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Her er  et par script som henter data fra TibberSeer devicer, og estimerer strømstøtten MTD.

Det første scriptet henter verdien fra TibberSeer devices “Price Today TextSummary” og “Price Tomorrow TextSummary” og skriver disse til filer (en fil for hver dag). Folder/directory hvor du vil lagre disse må du lage selv, og du må oppdatere variabelen “baseDir” i begge scriptene.


Det andre scriptet bruker output fra det første til å regne ut estimert strømstøtte, og skrive verdier til flere devicer i HomeSeer.

Scriptet er laget for å regne ut:

Estimated Actual Price = Price Current Price + Nettleie - Estimated Strømstøtte

(Nettleien er gjeldende for Lyse Lnett og må justeres om du har en annen nettleverandør)

En ulempe er at dette scriptet må ha input fra hele måneden (dvs. fra den 1ste frem til i dag eller i morgen) for å fungere. Det finnes en workaround til dette, og det skal jeg beskrive i en senere post.

En annen ulempe er at det er laget for å beregne nettleien fra Lyse og vil ikke fungere riktig med andre nettleverandører. Det finnes «sort of» workaround for dette oss - se en senere post.


For å bruke det må du lage noen devicer manuelt:

- Average Powerprice

- Estimated Actual Price

- Estimated Strømstøtte

- Nettleie - energiledd

- Today Estimated Actual Price TextSummary

- Tomorrow Estimated Actual Price TextSummary

(Jeg vet - dårlige navn - men de kan du endre som du vil. Det er Device Ref. scriptene forholder seg til.


I tillegg brukes disse devicene fra TibberSeer:

- Price Current Price

- Price Today TextSummary

- Price Tomorrow TextSummary


Scriptene kjører for meg på Ubuntu 20.04, HomeSeer 4.2.16. Det er ikke testet på Windows.

Kopier begge scriptene til ditt script-directory under HomeSeer, og sørg for at de er kjørbare. (chmod a+x i Linux)


For å kjøre scriptene så lager du en event:



TibberSeer TibberSeer Price Root Price Current Price just had its value set or changed.


Wait 1 Minute, 0 Seconds

Run the script: Strompris_collect.vb

                   and wait for the command to finish before continuing, and also only allow one instance of the script to run at a time.

Run the script: Strompris_calculate.vb

                     and wait for the command to finish before continuing, and also only allow one instance of the script to run at a time.


(Grunnen til "wait 1 minute" er for å gi alle TibberSeer-devicene tid til å oppdateres- det greier seg sikkert med mye kortere tid uten at jeg har testet det)


Strompris_collect.vb har to parameter, begge kommer fra TibberSeer, og adskilt med «:»:

  • Device ref. Til «Price Today TextSummary»
  • Device ref. Til «Price Tomorrow TextSummary»


Strompris_calculate.vb har hele 7 parameter:

  • Average Powerprice
  • Estimated Strømstøtte
  • Price Current Price (som next før - dette er en device fra TibberSeer)
  • Estimated Actual Price
  • Nettleie - energiledd
  • Today Estimated Actual Price TextSummary
  • Tomorrow Estimated Actual Price TextSummary

Alle disse devicene (bortsett fra «Price Current Price») må du som sagt lage selv.



' Strompris_collect.vb , v. 1.0
'   This script collects data from two of TibberSeer's devices and
'   creates files to be used by Strompris_calculate.vb
'   The scripts both relies heavily on TibberSeer and are designed to use
'   with Lyse Lnett's nettleie
'             HSv, Oct. 2022
' Parameters (All are Device ref's):
'   0 - PricesTodayTSDev     - to read the TextSummary of todays prices
'   1 - PricesTomorrowTSDev  - to read the TextSummary of tomorrows prices

Public Class GlobalVars
  Public Shared infoLog  As Boolean = True      ' Log whats happening...?
  Public Shared warnLog  As Boolean = True      ' Log warnings...? (you really should!)
  Public Shared debugLog As Boolean = False     ' Log a bit more...?
End Class

Public Sub Main(ByVal _params As Object)
  Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
  Dim LogID As String = "EL Collect"

  ' Do we have the correct nubmer of parameters?
  Dim l As Integer = _params.Split(":").Length
  If l <> 2 Then
    Logging(LogID, "warn", "Wrong # of params- Is " & l & ", Should be 2. Aborting!")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Dim PricesTodayTSDev    As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(0))
  Dim PricesTomorrowTSDev As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(1))
  Dim Devices()           As Integer = {PricesTodayTSDev, PricesTomorrowTSDev}

  ' Does the devices exist?
  For Each dev As Integer In {PricesTodayTSDev, PricesTomorrowTSDev}
    If Not hs.DeviceExistsRef(dev) Then
      Logging(LogID, "warn", "Device " & dev & " does not exist. Aborting!")
      Exit Sub
    End If

  Dim baseDir     As String   = "/backup/strompriser/"
  Dim today       As Datetime = DateTime.Now
  Dim tomorrow    As Datetime = DateAdd("d",1,today)
  Dim todaystr    As String   = today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
  Dim tomorrowstr As String   = tomorrow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
  Dim currentDate As String   = todaystr

  If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(basedir) Then
    Logging(LogID, "warn", "Output directory " & baseDir & " does not exist. Aborting!")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Loop over both input parameters
  For Each dev As Integer In {PricesTodayTSDev, PricesTomorrowTSDev}
    Dim deviceName = hs.GetDeviceByRef(dev).name(hs)
    If deviceName.Contains("Today") Then
      currentDate = todaystr
      currentDate = tomorrowstr
    End If

    Dim outFile As String = baseDir & currentDate
    ' Empty the ouputfile before trying to write to it
    If System.IO.File.Exists(outFile) Then
      System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outFile, "")
    End If

    ' Read the full HTML content from the input device
    Dim TextSummaryHTML As String = hs.DeviceString(dev)

    ' Has Tomorrows prices been updated yet ?
    If Not TextSummaryHTML.Contains("Tomorrows prices are usually") Then
      ' Remove HTML tags
      Dim TextSummary As String = StripTags(TextSummaryHTML)
      For i = 0 To 23
        ' Read each element, using the string "øre" as delimiter
        Dim entry      As String = TextSummary.split("øre")(i)
        ' Then split each element into a time- and price-tag
        Dim entrytime  As String = entry.split(":")(0)
        Dim entryprice As Double = entry.split(":")(1)
        ' Put it all together in a formatted fashion, and write it to file
        Dim outstring  As String = currentDate & "T" & entrytime & " " & entryprice & Environment.NewLine
        My.Computer.Filesystem.WriteAllText(outFile, outstring, True)
      ' Just some fancy info-logging
      Logging(LogID, "info", deviceName.Split(" ")(0) & " " & deviceName.Split(" ")(1) & " collected")
      Logging(LogID, "warn" , "Tomorrows prices not yet updated")
    End If

  Exit Sub

End Sub

Function StripTags(ByVal html As String) As String
  ' Remove HTML tags.
  html = Regex.Replace(html, "<.*?>", "")
  Return Regex.Replace(html, "&nbsp;", "")
End Function

' Routine for writing to the log
Sub Logging(ByVal LogID As String, ByVal msgType As String, ByVal msg As String)
  Dim msgComplete As String
  Dim writetolog As Boolean = False

  Select Case msgType
    Case  "info"
      If GlobalVars.infoLog Then
        msgComplete = "Info: " & msg
        writetolog = True
      End If

    Case  "debug"
      If GlobalVars.debugLog Then
        msgComplete = "Debug: " & msg
        writetolog = True
      End If

    Case  "warn"
      If GlobalVars.warnLog Then
        msgComplete = "Warning: " & msg
        writetolog = True
      End If

    Case Else
      msgComplete = "Msgtype '" & msgType & "' undefined"
      writetolog = True
  End Select

  If writetolog Then hs.Writelog (LogID, msgComplete)

End Sub

' That's all folks!




' Strompris_calculate.vb , v. 1.0
'   This script uses the output from Strompris_collect.vb, and calculates
'   Month-to-date Strømstøtte. This is again used in company with 
'   TibberSeer's TextSummary devices to populate devices for the best estimate of
'   today and tomorrow's "true" prices. (ie. Price + Nettleie - Assumed Stømstøtte)
'   The scripts both relies heavily on TibberSeer and are designed to use
'   with Lyse Lnett's nettleie
'             HSv, Oct. 2022
' Parameters (All are Device ref's):
'   0 - AverageDev       - store average MTD price
'   1 - StotteDev        - store estimated 'Stømstøtte'
'   2 - nowPriceDev      - read current price (This is a device from TibberSeer)
'   3 - EstPriceDev      - store current estimated (prcie + nettleie - strømstøtte) 
'   4 - NettleieDev      - store current nettleie
'   5 - EstTodayTSDev    - store Todays estimated price TextSummary
'   6 - EstTomorrowTSDev - store Tomorrows estimated price TextSummary

Public Class GlobalVars
  Public Shared infoLog  As Boolean = True      ' Log what's happening...?
  Public Shared warnLog  As Boolean = True      ' Log warnings...? (you really should!)
  Public Shared debugLog As Boolean = False     ' Log a bit more...?
End Class

Public Sub Main(ByVal _params As Object)
  Imports System.IO
  Dim LogID As String = "EL Calculate"

  ' Do we have the correct nubmer of parameters?
  Dim l As Integer = _params.Split(":").Length
  If l <> 7 Then
    Logging(LogID, "warn", "Wrong # of params- Is " & l & ", Should be 7. Aborting!")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Dim AverageDev       As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(0))
  Dim StotteDev        As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(1))
  Dim nowPriceDev      As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(2))
  Dim EstPriceDev      As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(3))
  Dim NettleieDev      As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(4))
  Dim EstTodayTSDev    As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(5))
  Dim EstTomorrowTSDev As Integer = Integer.parse(_params.ToString.split(":")(6))

  ' We don't need to check all devices yet
  ' We can still do some calculations if the last two doesn't exist
  For Each dev As Integer In {AverageDev, StotteDev, nowPriceDev, EstPriceDev, NettleieDev}
    If Not hs.DeviceExistsRef(dev) Then
      Logging(LogID, "warn", "Device " & dev & " does not exist. Aborting!")
      Exit Sub
    End If

  ' Shall we calculate Støtte / Nettleie and write it back to 'StotteDev' / 'NettleieDev' (True)
  ' or just read a manually entered value from 'StotteDev' / 'NettleieDev' (False)
  Dim calcStøtte   As Boolean = True
  Dim calcNettleie As Boolean = True
  ' Directory / folder where output files from Strompris_collect.vb are stored
  Dim baseDir      As String  = "/backup/strompriser/"
  Dim MVA          As Double  = 1.25            ' MVA / moms
  Dim fixedPart    As Integer = 70
  Dim prctPart     As Double  = 0.9
  Dim nettleieHigh As Double  = 48.6
  Dim nettleieLow  As Double  = 40.6
  ' These are Valid for Lyse Nett - Rewrite as needed 
  Dim leieLowPeriods() As String = {"Saturday", "Sunday", "22", "23", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05"}

  If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(basedir) Then
    Logging(LogID, "warn", "Output directory " & baseDir & " does not exist. Aborting!")
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Dim thismonth    As String  = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM")
  Dim numEntries   As Integer = 0
  Dim sumPrices    As Double  = 0
  Dim nowPrice     As Double  = hs.DeviceValueEx(nowPriceDev)

  Dim redDot    As String = "<img src='images/HomeSeer/status/red.png' width=12 height=12>"
  Dim yellowDot As String = "<img src='images/HomeSeer/status/yellow.png' width=12 height=12>"
  Dim greenDot  As String = "<img src='images/HomeSeer/status/green.png' width=12 height=12>"

  Dim Average As Double = Nothing
  Dim Stotte  As Double
  If Not calcStøtte Then
     ' You asked to read Strømstøtte instead of calculating it
     Stotte = hs.DeviceValueEx(StotteDev)
    ' Get a list of this month's files
    For Each fileName As String In Directory.GetFiles(basedir, thismonth+"*")
      Dim fileSize As Integer = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName).Length
      Logging(LogID, "debug", fileName & " -> " & fileSize)
      ' Does the file contain any data?
      If fileSize > 0 Then
        Dim reader as StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(fileName)
        Dim myline as String
        ' Assumption: If the file exist and contains data,
        ' it contains CORRECT data, and CORRECT formatted data!
        For i = 0 To 23
          myline = reader.ReadLine
          If String.IsNullOrEmpty(myline) Then
            Exit For
          End If
          sumPrices = sumPrices + myline.split(" ")(1)
          numEntries = numEntries + 1
          'Logging(LogID, "debug", myline)
        Logging(LogID, "debug", sumPrices & " - " & numEntries)
      End If

    ' Finally  - done with the preparation and doing some math
    Average = Math.Round(sumPrices / numEntries, 2)
    Stotte  = Math.Round((Average - (fixedPart * MVA)) * prctPart, 2)
  End If

  If Stotte < 0 Then
    ' We can never owe strømstøtte, right...?
    Stotte = 0
  End If

  Dim nowNettleie as Double
  If Not calcNettleie Then
    ' You asked to read Nettleie instead of calculating it
    nowNettleie = hs.DeviceValueEx(NettleieDev)
    ' Calculate Nettleie for 'now'
    Dim TimeNow      As Datetime = DateTime.Now
    Dim HourNow      As String   = TimeNow.Tostring("HH")
    Dim DayNow       AS String   = TimeNow.DayOfWeek.ToString
    ' High or Low nettleie ?
    If leieLowPeriods.Any(Function(s) DayNow.Contains(s)) Or leieLowPeriods.Any(Function(s) HourNow.Contains(s)) Then
      nowNettleie = nettleieLow
      nowNettleie = nettleieHigh
    End If
  End If

   ' And finally - Tadaaa...
  Dim nowEstPrice As Double = Math.Round(nowPrice + nowNettleie - Stotte, 2)

  ' Now write all these values to the correct HS Devices
  If calcStøtte Then
    hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(AverageDev,  Average, True)
    hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(StotteDev,   Stotte,  True)
  End If
  If calcNettleie Then
    hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(NettleieDev, nowNettleie,  True)
  End If
  hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(EstPriceDev, nowEstPrice,  True)

  Logging(LogID, "info", "Average: " & Average & " | Est. Støtte: " & Stotte)
  Logging(LogID, "info", "Est. Price: " & nowEstPrice & " | Nettleie: " & nowNettleie)

  ' Ready for part Two ?
  ' OK - Now let's see if can make a TextSummary of the "true" powerprices.
  ' Now we need the last two devices
  For Each dev As Integer In {EstTodayTSDev, EstTomorrowTSDev}
    If Not hs.DeviceExistsRef(dev) Then
      Logging(LogID, "warn", "Device " & dev & " does not exist. Aborting!")
      Exit Sub
    End If

  Dim today       As Datetime = DateTime.Now
  Dim tomorrow    As Datetime = DateAdd("d",1,today)
  Dim todaystr    As String   = today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
  Dim tomorrowstr As String   = tomorrow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
  Dim currentDate As String   = todaystr

  ' Loop over Today's and Tomorrow's file
  For Each fileName As String in {todaystr, tomorrowstr}
    ' We need to find the Day of the week to apply the correct nettleie.
    Dim currentYear  As Integer = fileName.Split("-")(0)
    Dim currentMonth As Integer = fileName.Split("-")(1)
    Dim currentDay   As Integer = fileName.Split("-")(2)
    Dim DateString   As String  = currentYear & "/" & currentMonth & "/" & currentDay
    Dim d   As DateTime = DateString
    Dim DOW As String   = d.DayOfWeek.ToString
    Logging(LogID, "debug", DOW)

    ' Which device shall we write to in this iteration?
    Dim TextSumDev As Integer
    If fileName = todaystr Then
      TextSumDev = EstTodayTSDev
      TextSumDev = EstTomorrowTSDev
    End If

    ' Set the full path and filename
    Dim fullFilename As String = basedir & fileName
    If System.IO.File.Exists(fullFilename) Then
      Dim fileSize As Integer = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fullFilename).Length
      Logging(LogID, "debug", fullFilename & " -> " & fileSize)

      ' Again we assume that if the file exist and contains data,
      ' it contains CORRECT data, and CORRECT formatted data!
      If fileSize > 0 Then
        Dim reader as StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(fullFilename)
        Dim myline as String

        ' Prepare the string to write back to HomeSeer
        Dim OutString As String = "<table>"
        For i = 0 To 23
          myline = reader.ReadLine
          If String.IsNullOrEmpty(myline) Then
            Exit For
          End If

          'Logging(LogID, "debug", myline)
          Dim currentTime  As String = myline.Split(" ")(0)
          Dim currentHour  As String = currentTime.Split("T")(1)
          Dim currentPrice As Double = myline.Split(" ")(1)

          Dim currentNettleie As Double
          Dim NLS             As String = Nothing
          If Not calcNettleie Then
            ' You asked to read Nettleie instead of calculating it
            currentNettleie = hs.DeviceValueEx(NettleieDev)
            ' High or Low nettleie ?
            If leieLowPeriods.Any(Function(s) DOW.Contains(s)) Or leieLowPeriods.Any(Function(s) currentHour.Contains(s)) Then
              currentNettleie = nettleieLow
              NLS = "(L)"
              currentNettleie = nettleieHigh
              NLS = "(H)"
            End If
          End If

          ' Finally - calculate the "assumed" true price
          Dim truePrice As Double = Math.Round(currentPrice - Stotte + currentNettleie, 2)

          ' Create the final fancy string - with HTML and bells and whistles :-)
          If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
            OutString = OutString & "<tr>"
          End If

          ' Add some fancy colored dots to the output 
          Dim colorDot As String
          If truePrice > 20 Then
            colorDot = redDot
          Else If truePrice < 0 Then
            colorDot = greenDot
            colorDot = yellowdot
          End if

          OutString = OutString & "<td style='padding-right:15px'>&nbsp;" & colorDot & currentHour & ":&nbsp;" & truePrice & "&nbsp;øre" & NLS & "</td>"
          If i Mod 2 <> 0 Then
            OutString = OutString & "</tr>"
          End If
        OutString = OutString & "</table>"
        ' Write the finel HTML String to the correct device
        hs.SetDeviceString(TextSumDev, OutString, True)
      Else ' i.e. I haven't found the input file
        Logging(LogID, "warn", fullFilename & " is empty")
        hs.SetDeviceString(TextSumDev, "Tomorrows prices are usually updated around 12-13:00", True)
      End If
    Else ' i.e. I haven't found the input file
      Logging(LogID, "warn", fullFilename & " does not exist")
      hs.SetDeviceString(TextSumDev, "Tomorrows prices are usually updated around 12-13:00", True)
    End If
  Logging(LogID, "debug", "All done")
End Sub

' Routine for writing to the log
Sub Logging(ByVal LogID As String, ByVal msgType As String, ByVal msg As String)
  Dim msgComplete As String
  Dim writetolog As Boolean = False

  Select Case msgType
    Case  "info"
      If GlobalVars.infoLog Then
        msgComplete = "Info: " & msg
        writetolog = True
      End If

    Case  "debug"
      If GlobalVars.debugLog Then
        msgComplete = "Debug: " & msg
        writetolog = True
      End If

    Case  "warn"
      If GlobalVars.warnLog Then
        msgComplete = "Warning: " & msg
        writetolog = True
      End If

    Case Else
      msgComplete = "Msgtype '" & msgType & "' undefined"
      writetolog = True
  End Select

  If writetolog Then hs.Writelog (LogID, msgComplete)

End Sub

' That's all folks!



Endret av HSv
  • Thanks 1

Merk at du bruker disse scriptene på eget ansvar. Det finnes ingen garanti at de virker, eller at de gir korrekt resultat. Strømstøtten kan uansett ikke beregnes nøyaktig før måneden er over - jeg prøver bare å regne den ut med de data som er tilgjengelig akkurat nå. Og det er ikke engang garantert at jeg gjør det riktig 🙂

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