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Om noen føler for å hjelpe en som aldri lærte seg å kode, så ta gjerne en kikk på dette:

Dette scriptet skal starte casting til en google høyttaler eller gruppe, angitt av device 1206.
Hva som skal castet/spilles angis av device 964, og er enten en radiokanal eller en lydfil (devicevalue>=200 er en lydfil, devicevalue<200 er en radiokanal).

Alt fungerer, untatt avspilling av lydfilene. Chat GPT kommer ikke noe videre, og jeg står også fast.

Kom gjerne med andre endringer av koden også, her er det nok rom for forbedring 😅

Sub Main(ByVal Parms As Object)

    ' Device reference numbers
    Dim deviceRef As Integer = 964 ' Device that holds the radio channel/audio file value
    Dim groupDeviceRef As Integer = 1206 ' Device that holds the group/speaker value

    ' Get the current values
    Dim deviceValue As Integer = hs.DeviceValue(deviceRef)
    Dim groupValue As Integer = hs.DeviceValue(groupDeviceRef)

    ' Define the CSV list
    Dim chromecastList As String = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Stue, Google Nest Audio, 5;" & _
                                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Gang, Google Nest Audio, 10;" & _
                                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Soverom, Google Nest Mini, 15;" & _
                                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Andre etasje, Google Cast Group, 20;" & _
                                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Alle Nest, Google Cast Group, 30;" & _
                                  "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb, Stue og gang, Google Cast Group, 40"

    ' Split the CSV list into an array of Chromecast entries
    Dim chromecastEntries As String() = chromecastList.Split(";"c)

    ' Loop through each entry to find the Chromecast ID based on the group value
    Dim chromecastId As String = ""
    For Each entry As String In chromecastEntries
        Dim parts As String() = entry.Split(","c)
        If parts.Length = 4 AndAlso Convert.ToInt32(parts(3)) = groupValue Then
            chromecastId = parts(0)
            Exit For
        End If

    ' If Chromecast ID is found, proceed with casting
    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(chromecastId) Then
        ' Create the Collection for radio channels
        Dim radioChannels As New Collection
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_p1_buskerud_aac_h", "NRK P1"}, "10")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_p2_aac_h", "NRK P2"}, "20")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_p3_aac_h", "NRK P3"}, "30")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_alltid_nyheter_aac_h", "NRK Nyheter"}, "40")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_p13_aac_h", "NRK P13"}, "45")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_jazz_aac_h", "NRK Jazz"}, "50")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_radio_mp3_aac_h", "NRK MP3"}, "60")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://lyd.nrk.no/nrk_super_aac_h", "NRK Super"}, "70")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p4.p4groupaudio.com/P04_AH", "P4"}, "80")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p5.p4groupaudio.com/P05_AH", "P5 Hits"}, "90")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p6.p4groupaudio.com/P06_AH", "P6 Rock"}, "100")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p7.p4groupaudio.com/P07_AH", "P7 Klem"}, "110")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p8.p4groupaudio.com/P08_AH", "P8 Pop"}, "120")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p9.p4groupaudio.com/P09_AH", "P9 Retro"}, "130")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p10.p4groupaudio.com/P10_AH", "P10 Country"}, "140")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://p11.p4groupaudio.com/P11_AH", "P11 Bandit"}, "150")
        radioChannels.Add(New String() {"https://nrj.p4groupaudio.com/NRJ_AH", "NRJ"}, "160")

        ' Collection for music files
        Dim mediaFiles As New Collection
        mediaFiles.Add("C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS4\Media\Spilleliste Wake Up Gently.mp3", "200")
        mediaFiles.Add("C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS4\Media\Beep-beep-beep vekkerklokkelyd.mp3", "210")
        '... Add the rest of your music files here

        If deviceValue >= 200 Then
            ' Play media file
            Dim filename As String = mediaFiles(deviceValue.ToString())
            hs.MediaFilename = filename
            ' Cast radio channel
            Dim channel As String() = radioChannels(deviceValue.ToString())
            Dim mediaUrl As String = channel(0)
            Dim mediaTitle As String = channel(1)
            Dim mediaMimeType As String = "audio/aac" ' Media MIME type
            Dim mediaImageUrl As String = "" ' Media Image URL

                hs.PluginFunction("Chromecast", "", "CastMedia", New Object() {chromecastId, mediaUrl, mediaMimeType, mediaTitle, mediaImageUrl})
                hs.WriteLog("Cast Radio", "Media has been sent to Chromecast.")
            Catch ex As Exception
                hs.WriteLog("Error", "Error in Cast Radio: " & ex.Message)
            End Try
        End If
        hs.WriteLog("Chromecast", "Chromecast ID not found for the given group value.")
    End If

End Sub


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