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Skrevet (endret)

I had to do a lot of mcGyver stuff;)

You need to drill a bigger hole for the front piece. Also, for it to be attached, I had to cut the round metal (se pictures) so it got all the way into the door.

You can then use the original pins - but i needed some adjustments ( and you need other screws).

The back piece also needs some adjustment. I had to build it out by cutting a similar shaped piece of an piece that is supposed to be in a IKEA closet. You can use whatever you have available. 

I did not use the original lock bolt. I used just a cylinder extension and the original locking case. At last I took out the little square piece inside the original nest lockbolt (the one that the pin comes into). I cut this, and then clued it onto the cylinder extension so that its tight when the motor turns around and locks. This last step might not be necessary on other extensions, - but mine had some backlash that resulted in  a door that could`t open (motor moved a while before actually rotate the lock).



Endret av Torill Iversen
  • Like 1

Oh wow. You weren't kidding about the McGyver-ing! Congrats on getting it to work successfully, it sounds like you really know what you're doing when it comes to this stuff - unlike me, I'm not very familiar with replacing locks in general, and when I set it up at my previous place it was simple because it was the kind of deadbolt lock that the Nest is made for.


Now I only wish you had made a step-by-step video of how to do this and put it up in YouTube! I'm afraid I'm liable to mess up my door trying to do this myself. Would it perhaps be worth speaking with a locksmith do you think?


Can I ask what your original lock used to be? Was it a mortise lock (like so: https://images.app.goo.gl/ibhzfcXZTTupEy8B6) or just a traditional deadbolt. In my door, the handle and lock are connected like in the image above and my concern is that I will need to somehow fill out the hole that remains when I remove it if I'm going to be able to mount the Nest/keep the handle secure.


Ahhh, I wish I had thought of an video myself! 


I have never done anything with a door before I started on this. I used an old door, took out the lock and just tried understanding the parts and then figure out what had to be done. I actually had a locksmith over, but he said it couldn't be done ??. I knew it could, because my brother had done it already. 


Sending a picture of approximately how the dor case looked like. 


Since I didn't have the tools, (or the skills), I used a carpenter to do the cutting and so on, - I just had the plan of which steps that needed to be done. 





That's awesome, and smart work testing it out on another door before trying your main one!


The door case you linked, is this the one that was already in your door before the Nest and you replaced it with something else? Or is it the one you ended up getting to work with the Nest?


I ask, because it looks very similar to what's in my door already which, if you managed to get it working with this, gives me a lot of hope that I can do it too!


(You also don't happen to be in Stavanger and can recommend a good carpenter by any chance? Haha)


It is the one that was in our (new) door, I think you can work with whatever, - just need some heavy adapting ?


Your carpenter needs to be positive, and solution orientated ?, then you will be fine :)

16 timer siden, Mike skrev:

(You also don't happen to be in Stavanger and can recommend a good carpenter by any chance? Haha)

I can. Call Front Bygg, ask for Aadne.


However, if you aren't currently rebuilding and the carpenter is at the scene, it will be cheaper to get a new lock... ;) 

  • 4 uker senere...

Hey there! I have a few days off until the new year and think I will give this a crack! Do you happen to have a link to the Cylinder Extender that you mentioned you used? Just want to make sure im using all the right pieces!

Skrevet (endret)

I just used a regular one. Then I took the little pin out (from picture 2)and used that to macht the hole in the sylinder from picture 1,instead of the long original pin from yale x. 





Endret av Torill Iversen
  • Like 1

Awesome, thank you! I think that's all I need to give this a go. Will report back here if I have success (or need any further info haha)! Appreciate the help :)

  • 1 måned senere...
On 14/08/2019 at 09:01, Moskus said:

Vi var en gjeng som gikk samlet sammen og bestilte direkte fra Yale. Det store trikset var å få fatt i en Z-wave modul fra Yale som av tilpasset Europa, for hvis du bestiller en vilkårlig lås får du sannsynligvis en US-Z-wave-modul og den kan du ikke bruke her...

Ser at Clas Ohlson i UK selger Z-wave modul til Yale - den bør vel kunne brukes.




35 minutter siden, Byelektrikeren skrev:

Ser at Clas Ohlson i UK selger Z-wave modul til Yale - den bør vel kunne brukes.

Nei, noen på forumet har prøvd. Annen firmware i låsen gjør at den ikke kommuniserer med Z-Wave modulen. 

  • Like 1

Men Yale slår altså i hel sin egen argumentasjon om at Zigbee er "det tryggeste" (les: lar oss lage vår egen kryptering slik at ingen andre enn "samarbeidspartnere" kan bruke den) er bare tull.

  • 5 måneder senere...
På 1.12.2019 den 16.58, Torill Iversen skrev:

I had to do a lot of mcGyver stuff;)

You need to drill a bigger hole for the front piece. Also, for it to be attached, I had to cut the round metal (se pictures) so it got all the way into the door.

You can then use the original pins - but i needed some adjustments ( and you need other screws).

The back piece also needs some adjustment. I had to build it out by cutting a similar shaped piece of an piece that is supposed to be in a IKEA closet. You can use whatever you have available. 

I did not use the original lock bolt. I used just a cylinder extension and the original locking case. At last I took out the little square piece inside the original nest lockbolt (the one that the pin comes into). I cut this, and then clued it onto the cylinder extension so that its tight when the motor turns around and locks. This last step might not be necessary on other extensions, - but mine had some backlash that resulted in  a door that could`t open (motor moved a while before actually rotate the lock).



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