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Jeg hadde ikke klaget så mye hvis de nå bare lagde egne EU interfacer med restore-funksjon, men siden de selv bruker UZB er det ingen unnskyldning for å ikke fikse det. 


Da er jeg oppe og kjører igjen, så problemet er løst for denne gang. Fikk ett Image fra den gangen HomeSeer hadde tilgjenglig for nedlasting.

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Da var neste spørsmål, hvordan kan jeg ta backup av Z-Wave fra Z-Net, og legge dette inn på en AeoTec pinne?

Går det å sette opp ett sekundært nett på samme maskin, og sende det direkte til AeoTec pinnen?


Dette er svaret fra HomeSeer

Matt Cave commented:

Please note that the change in compatibility of backing up and restoring Z-Wave networks for EU interfaces was not a change on our end, rather it was a change in the firmware of the UZB interfaces. We currently have a report where we are tracking users who experience this issue and I will add your feedback to that report. 

I took a look into the cost of shipping a replacement micro SD card and it is a bit expensive, we offer a 1 year warranty on hardware which is honored by our vendors, is your Z-Net within the 1 year warranty? If so, I recommend reaching out to the vendor you purchased it from for an exchange. 

Support changed the status to Waiting for customer.


Her er tilbakemeldingen fra HomeSeer og mitt svar


Matt Cave commented:

Please note that the change in compatibility of backing up and restoring Z-Wave networks for EU interfaces was not a change on our end, rather it was a change in the firmware of the UZB interfaces. We currently have a report where we are tracking users who experience this issue and I will add your feedback to that report. 

I took a look into the cost of shipping a replacement micro SD card and it is a bit expensive, we offer a 1 year warranty on hardware which is honored by our vendors, is your Z-Net within the 1 year warranty? If so, I recommend reaching out to the vendor you purchased it from for an exchange. 

Support changed the status to Waiting for customer.


Jan Myrene
02:08 (for 0 minutter siden)
til hs

Still, this is not according to a Norwegian law, that says 5 years of support.
Anyway, you still use this support for US users, why not for the EU users?

This will  be a disaster for your system in Europe.

Jan Myrene


Siste info fra HomeSeer support


Matt Cave commented:

The change in the compatibility of backups in the UZB interfaces is the result of a change in firmware from the manufacturers of the UZB sticks. We are currently tracking feedback about this and I have added yours to our bug report. I understand that this is an important feature and have also encouraged developers to prioritize it.

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