Da var firmware versjon 42 lansert til RFLink Gateway
- New Device: Mi-Light/LimitlessLED/Applamp/Easybulb 2 way bridge functionality (2.4 Ghz, NRF24L01 with Milight wiring required)
- New Device: Hama SD-UN5-RF switch set
- New Device: Acurite Tower sensors
- New Device: Pollin PFR-130 Temperature & Rain meter
- New Device: Gaposa Blind/Shutter control (a.o. model QCT3S)
- New Device: Byron BY35 / BY301
- Added: Command "echo" function to auto create devices without the need of remote controls
- Added: Command "rtsrecclean 9" function to clean a single rolling code table entry
- Added: Command to invert the ON/OFF handling of the Tristate protocol
- Fixed: improved Atlantic MD-210R detection
- Fixed: improved DKW2012 detection to cover variations of the signal
- Fixed: Smarthome YC-4000B detection
- Fixed: improved RTS packet detection to prevent false positives
- Fixed: improved FA500 packet detection to prevent false positives
- Fixed: Modified X10 security sensor packet detection
- Fixed: Modified maximum humidity limit
- Fixed: Improved signal ARC detection
- Fixed: Chacon EMW200 detection
- Fixed: Nexa WST-512 detection
- Fixed: Oregon UV800
- Fixed: CM113 ID
- Added: Support for another MiLight remote variant
the download is available via our blog. http://www.nemcon.nl/blog2
Skal bli artig å få prøvd MiLight funksjonen, typisk at jeg kjøpte meg en wifi controller igår da ^^ Men nå har jeg heller ikke fått 2,4 ghz kit'et jeg bestilte fra Ebay så vi får se hva som kommer først.