"Toggler" en device mellom "Off" og "On Last Level" hvis den finnes (altså er en Z-wave device). Kun mellom "Off" og "On" ellers.
Parameter: 400
... der 400 er device ref til device'n du vil toggle.
Public Sub Main(ByVal input As Object)
'© Moskus 2015
Dim control As String = input
Dim devicevalue As Double = hs.DeviceValueEx(control)
Dim capi As HomeSeerAPI.CAPIControl = Nothing
If devicevalue = 0 Then 'device is off, so let's trigger "On Last Level" if it exists on the device, and just "On"
capi = hs.CAPIGetSingleControl(input, True, "on last level", False, False)
If capi Is Nothing Then '"On last Level" wasn't found, so we need to find "On"
capi = hs.CAPIGetSingleControl(input, True, "on", False, False)
End If
Else 'The device is on, so let's turn it offf
capi = hs.CAPIGetSingleControl(input, True, "off", False, False)
End If
If capi IsNot Nothing Then
hs.WriteLog("SmartToggle", "Could not execute CAPIcontrol, it's nothing! (Input device value: " & devicevalue & ")")
End If
End Sub
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