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Viser innholdet med mest poeng fra 06. okt. 2017 i alle områder

  1. Joda, kontakter kan være direktekoplet. Men det er jo noe med det å ha en servicebryter som bryter alt, når den først er der. Lys er i grensesone i dag (pga lavvolt, men det anbefales likevel 2-polet brudd), varmekabel skal også ha topolt brudd. De smarthusene vi bygger har kun 1-polet brudd på styring, så da må vi innpå samme servicebryter.
    2 poeng
  2. Jeg tror problemet kan ligge i en gammel bug som er i Z-Way versjon 2.3.3 hvor serveren blir veldig treg og ustabil fordi notifications.json filen har blitt for stor. For å teste om det er dette som er tilfellet må du stoppe z-way-server service, deretter forandre navnet eller slette notifications.json filen som ligger under <ZWAY_ROOT>/automation/storage. Start opp z-way-server servicen igjen og serveren skal da kjøre stabilt frem til notifications.json filen blir for stor igjen. Du kan lese mer om denne buggen her: http://forum.z-wave.me/viewtopic.php?f=3419&t=24693 Jeg vil anbefale deg å kjøre z-way på en linux distro (ala ubuntu, raspbian) som støtter den nyeste versjonen 2.3.5.
    1 poeng
  3. Bare til litt info så sliter jeg med at maskinen "forsvinner" i perioder. Fungerer somregel når jeg trykker på connect device, men autoconnect virker ikke alltid ser det ut til. Kan vell like så godt være HW her som plugin tenker jeg, ikke helt stabil den maskinen her Oct-06 12:20:29 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:20:29 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:20:19 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:20:09 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:19:59 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:19:48 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:19:46 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:19:46 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:19:36 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:19:26 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:19:16 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:19:05 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:19:03 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:19:03 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:18:53 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:18:43 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:18:33 PM Info Amazon Echo Discovery requested, version: 2 Oct-06 12:18:33 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:18:23 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:18:20 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:18:20 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:18:10 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:18:00 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:17:49 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:17:39 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:17:37 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:17:37 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:17:27 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:17:17 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:17:06 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:16:56 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:16:54 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:16:54 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:16:48 PM Z-Wave Device: Node 11 Livingroom Office, Amperes Set to 0.176 (0.176 Amperes) Oct-06 12:16:44 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:16:34 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:16:23 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:16:13 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:16:11 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:16:11 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:16:01 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:15:51 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:15:40 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:15:30 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:15:28 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:15:28 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:15:18 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:15:08 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:14:57 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:14:48 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:14:45 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:14:45 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:14:35 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:14:25 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:14:14 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:14:04 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:14:02 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:14:02 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:13:52 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:13:42 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1
    1 poeng
  4. Jeg kjører også en sånn 2+1 pol med fibaro dimmer 2, funker fint..
    1 poeng
  5. Genialt! Den har gått meg hus forbi. Dette må jo være den desidert enkleste og mest elegante løsningen. Da sammen med en Fibaro dimmer 2. TAKK alle sammen!
    1 poeng
  6. https://www.elektroimportoren.no/bryter-innfelt-1pol-2pol-rs16-2-1-ph-elko/1410223/Product.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjd-Q_8Lb1gIVyqQYCh3Vmg5dEAQYASABEgJ1bvD_BwE
    1 poeng
  7. Til det kjører jeg openVPN men nå har jo du fått sjekket din av en hacker, så du kan vel stole på den noen dager til
    1 poeng
  8. South Park er som vanlig på:
    1 poeng
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