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Viser innholdet med mest poeng fra 03. sep. 2021 i alle områder

  1. Det høres jo ut som den ikke registrerer at du vrir, dvs den er defekt.
    1 poeng
  2. 2x Withings Sleep og 1x Thermo. Sleep gir opptatt/tom status på sengeplasser, fungerer bedre enn trykksensorene mine (som til nå har hatt en tendens til å bli unøyaktige over tid).
    1 poeng
  3. Dette hjalp ikke. Rescan hjalp ikke. Unset og re-set av associations hjalp ikke. La til slutt inn samme firmware på nytt, vanlig måte via appen på telefonen, og nå funker det fjell Mulig det glitchet litt sist.
    1 poeng
  4. Åkei, her er min config. Pass på indents, de kan bli litt fucked ved copy/paste - det er deres ansvar å få rett EDIT: Som dere vil se i kallene, så har jeg kalt min device for "ID Lock 150", dere må evt erstatte disse i koden. Jeg har også lagt med en YAML vil med all koden samlet, i håp om at samtlige indents skal være korrekt. Her er hva som må være installert fra HACS for å få min kode til å virke: - browser_mod - card-mod - card-tools - template-entity-row - button-card input_select: idlock_lockmode: name: Sett ID Lock låsmodus icon: mdi:creation options: - auto_off_away_off - auto_on_away_off - auto_off_away_on - auto_on_away_on initial: auto_off_away_off input_boolean: idlock: name: idlock initial: off icon: mdi:lock input_text: idlock_action: name: Et navn sensors: - platform: mqtt name: ID Lock 150 MQTT state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/action" availability_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state" - platform: template sensors: idlock_150_how: friendly_name: ID Lock 150 Siste Action value_template: "{{ states.input_text.idlock_action.state }}" idlock150_lock_status: friendly_name: ID Lock 150 Låsestatus value_template: >- {% set lock_status = state_attr('lock.id_lock_150','lock_state') %} {% if lock_status == 'unlocked' %} Åpen {% else %} Låst {% endif %} idlock150_door_status: friendly_name: ID Lock 150 Dørstatus value_template: >- {% set door_status = state_attr('lock.id_lock_150','door_state') %} {% if door_status == 'open' %} Åpen {% else %} Lukket {% endif %} idlock150_service_status: friendly_name: ID Lock 150 Servicemode value_template: >- {% if is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_service_mode", "deactivated") %} Deaktivert {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_service_mode", "random_pin_1x_use") %} For bruk 1 gang {% else %} Gyldig i 24 timer {% endif %} idlock150_service_pin: friendly_name: ID Lock 150 Service Mode PIN value_template: "{{ state_attr('lock.id_lock_150','users')['108']['pin_code'] }}" id_lock_150_lock: friendly_name: ID LOCK 150 Oversatt value_template: >- {% if is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "lock") %} Låst {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "unlock") %} Åpnet med PIN eller RFID {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "lock_failure_invalid_pin_or_id") %} Låsing feilet - Ukjent PIN eller RFID {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "lock_failure_invalid_schedule") %} Låsing feilet - invalid_schedule {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "unlock_failure_invalid_pin_or_id") %} Opplåsing feilet - Feil PIN eller RFID {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "one_touch_lock") %} Låst fra tastatur {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "key_lock") %} Låst med nøkkel {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "key_unlock") %} Åpnet med nøkkel {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "auto_lock") %} Automatisk låst {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "manual_lock") %} Manuelt låst {% elif is_state("sensor.id_lock_150_mqtt", "manual_unlock") %} Manuelt åpnet {% else %} Ukjent status {% endif %} scripts: mqtt_idlock_soundvolume: alias: 'MQTT ID Lock SoundVolume' sequence: - service: input_select.select_option entity_id: input_select.idlock_volume data_template: option: > {{ option }} - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/set" payload: >- { "sound_volume":"{{states('input_select.idlock_volume')}}" } mqtt_idlock_master_pin: alias: 'MQTT ID Lock Master PIN' sequence: - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/set" payload_template: >- {% if is_state('switch.id_lock_150_master_pin_mode', 'on') %} {"master_pin_mode":false} {% else %} {"master_pin_mode":true} {% endif %} mqtt_idlock_rfid: alias: 'MQTT ID Lock RFID' sequence: - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/set" payload_template: >- {% if is_state('switch.id_lock_150_rfid_enable', 'on') %} {"rfid_enable":false} {% else %} {"rfid_enable":true} {% endif %} mqtt_idlock_relock: alias: 'MQTT ID Lock Relock' sequence: - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/set" payload_template: >- {% if is_state('switch.id_lock_150_relock_enabled', 'on') %} {"relock_enabled":false} {% else %} {"relock_enabled":true} {% endif %} mqtt_idlock_lock_mode: alias: 'MQTT ID Lock Lock Mode' sequence: - service: input_select.select_option entity_id: input_select.idlock_lockmode data_template: option: > {{ option }} - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/set" payload: >- { "lock_mode":"{{states('input_select.idlock_lockmode')}}" } mqtt_idlock_service_mode: alias: 'MQTT ID Lock Service Mode' sequence: - service: input_select.select_option entity_id: input_select.idlock_servicemode data_template: option: > {{ option }} - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150/set" payload: >- { "service_mode":"{{states('input_select.idlock_servicemode')}}" } automations: - alias: ID LOCK 150 mode: single trigger: - platform: mqtt topic: "zigbee2mqtt/ID Lock 150" condition: - condition: template value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action_source_name in ['keypad', 'rf', 'rfid','manual'] }}" action: - choose: - conditions: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action_source_name == 'keypad' }}" sequence: - service: input_text.set_value data: value: Tastatur target: entity_id: input_text.idlock_action - conditions: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action_source_name == 'rf' }}" sequence: - service: input_text.set_value data: value: Home Assistant target: entity_id: input_text.idlock_action - conditions: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action_source_name == 'rfid' }}" sequence: - service: input_text.set_value data: value: RFID target: entity_id: input_text.idlock_action - conditions: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action_source_name == 'manual' }}" sequence: - service: input_text.set_value data: value: Manuelt target: entity_id: input_text.idlock_action lovelace: Jeg benytter anchors for shortcuts til kode. Her er koden for delene som jeg benytter for ID LOCK ############################################### anchors: card_mod_transparent: &card_mod_transparent style: | ha-card { background-color: transparent; border: none; box-shadow: none; } # BUTTON CB HEADER ################## cb_header: &cb_header type: "custom:button-card" color_type: label-card color: rgb(44, 109, 214) styles: card: - background: none - height: 5px - border: "solid 1px rgba(57,128,228)" # BUTTON SPACER FOR LEFT/RIGHT OF BUTTONS IN H-STACK #################################################### cb_vertical_spacer: &cb_vertical_spacer type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card styles: card: - background: none - height: 10px # 6px SPACER FOR LEFT/RIGHT OF BUTTONS IN H-STACK ################################################# cb_spacer_6px: &cb_spacer_6px type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card styles: card: - width: 6px ############################### cb_standard_button: &cb_standard_button type: custom:button-card layout: icon_label show_state: true show_name: true show_label: false styles: grid: - grid-template-rows: 42px auto 42px - grid-template-columns: 42px auto card: - background-color: transparent ### Denne har jeg lagt til selv - border: "solid 1px rgba(57,128,228)" ### Virker denne? - border-radius: 15px - margin: 5px 5px 0px 0px - padding: 0px 0px - height: 90px icon: - height: 20px - width: 20px - color: "#2F7EFD" name: - justify-self: start - padding: 0px 10px - font-size: 13px - color: "#2F7EFD" state: - font-size: 11px - font-family: Helvetica - text-transform: capitalize - font-weight: bold - align-self: end - justify-self: start - padding: 9px 10px - color: "#2F7EFD" lock: - align-items: flex-end state: - value: "on" styles: card: - box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228) icon: - color: "#fed281" name: - color: white state: - color: white label: - color: white tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info #################################### cb_idlock: &cb_idlock type: custom:button-card show_state: false show_icon: false styles: card: - background-color: transparent - border: "solid 1px rgba(57,128,228)" - border-radius: 15px - font-size: 14px - text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black - padding: 15px 5px grid: - grid-template-areas: ' "i." "n n" "line1 line1" "line2 line2" "line3 line3" ' - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content min-content min-content min-content name: - font-weight: bold - font-size: 20px - color: "#2F7EFD" - align-self: middle - justify-self: start - padding-bottom: 5px - margin-left: "4%" img_cell: - justify-content: start - align-items: start - margin: none icon: - width: 10% - margin-top: "-1%" custom_fields: line1: - padding-bottom: 8px - align-self: left - justify-self: start - margin-left: "4%" line2: - padding-bottom: 8px - align-self: left - justify-self: start - margin-left: "4%" line3: - padding-bottom: 8px - align-self: left - justify-self: start - margin-left: "4%" #################################### ... så til slutt selve kortet: - type: vertical-stack cards: - <<: *cb_header name: ID LOCK 150 - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - type: custom:button-card entity: lock.id_lock_150 triggers_update: all show_entity_picture: true entity_picture: > [[[ if (entity.attributes.door_state == "open") return "/local/idlock_open.png"; else return "/local/idlock_closed_unlocked.png"; ]]] show_name: false styles: card: - background-color: transparent state: - font-size: 11px - font-family: Helvetica - text-transform: capitalize - font-weight: bold - align-self: end - justify-self: start - padding: 9px 10px - color: "#2F7EFD" lock: - align-items: flex-end state: - value: "locked" entity_picture: "/local/idlock_closed_locked.png" tap_action: action: call-service service: | [[[ return (entity.state === 'locked') ? 'lock.unlock' : 'lock.lock'; ]]] service_data: entity_id: lock.id_lock_150 hold_action: action: fire-dom-event browser_mod: command: popup hide_header: true large: false card: type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_standard_button name: Ingen lyd entity: sensor.id_lock_150_sound_volume show_state: false icon: mdi:volume-off triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_soundvolume service_data: option: silent_mode state: - value: "silent_mode" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_standard_button name: Lav lyd entity: sensor.id_lock_150_sound_volume show_state: false icon: mdi:volume-medium triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_soundvolume service_data: option: low_volume state: - value: "low_volume" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_standard_button name: Høy Lyd entity: sensor.id_lock_150_sound_volume show_state: false icon: mdi:volume-high triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_soundvolume service_data: option: high_volume state: - value: "high_volume" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_vertical_spacer - type: horizontal-stack cards: - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_standard_button entity: switch.id_lock_150_master_pin_mode name: Bruk Master PIN show_state: false icon: mdi:dialpad triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_master_pin state: - value: "on" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_standard_button entity: switch.id_lock_150_rfid_enable name: Aksepter RFID show_state: false icon: mdi:access-point triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_rfid state: - value: "on" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - type: custom:button-card <<: *cb_standard_button entity: switch.id_lock_150_relock_enabled name: Relock show_state: false icon: mdi:lock-reset triggers_update: all tap_action: action: toggle state: - value: "on" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_vertical_spacer - type: horizontal-stack cards: - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - type: custom:button-card <<: *cb_standard_button entity: sensor.idlock150_service_status name: Service AV show_state: false icon: mdi:face-agent triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_service_mode service_data: option: deactivated state: - value: "Deaktivert" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - <<: *cb_standard_button entity: sensor.idlock150_service_status name: Service 1 gang show_state: false icon: mdi:face-agent triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_service_mode service_data: option: random_pin_1x_use state: - value: "For bruk 1 gang" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - type: custom:button-card <<: *cb_standard_button entity: sensor.idlock150_service_status name: Service 24 timer show_state: false icon: mdi:face-agent triggers_update: all tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_service_mode service_data: option: random_pin_24_hours state: - value: "Gyldig i 24 timer" styles: card: - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" - <<: *cb_spacer_6px - type: vertical-stack cards: - <<: *cb_vertical_spacer - <<: *cb_idlock entity: sensor.id_lock_150_lock_mode name: "Hjemmemodus med manuell låsing" show_icon: false icon: > [[[ if (entity.state == "auto_off_away_off") return "mdi:radiobox-marked"; else return "mdi:checkbox-blank-circle-outline"; ]]] tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_lock_mode service_data: option: auto_off_away_off state: - value: "auto_off_away_off" styles: card: - background-color: transparent - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" custom_fields: line1: > [[[ return `<span>Vanlig modus med manuell låsing døren for å låse den.</span>` ]]] line2: | [[[ return `<span>&nbsp;</span>` ]]] line3: | [[[ return `<span></span>` ]]] - <<: *cb_vertical_spacer - <<: *cb_idlock entity: sensor.id_lock_150_lock_mode name: "Hjemmemodus med automatisk låsing" icon: > [[[ if (entity.state == "auto_on_away_off") return "mdi:radiobox-marked"; else return "mdi:checkbox-blank-circle-outline"; ]]] tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_lock_mode service_data: option: auto_on_away_off state: - value: "auto_on_away_off" styles: card: - background-color: transparent - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" custom_fields: line1: > [[[ return `<span>Vanlig modus med automatisk låsing av dør når lukkes</span>` ]]] line2: | [[[ return `<span>fra åpen posisjon.</span>` ]]] line3: | [[[ return `<span></span>` ]]] - <<: *cb_vertical_spacer - <<: *cb_idlock entity: sensor.id_lock_150_lock_mode name: "Bortemodus med manuell låsing" icon: > [[[ if (entity.state == "auto_off_away_on") return "mdi:radiobox-marked"; else return "mdi:checkbox-blank-circle-outline"; ]]] tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_lock_mode service_data: option: auto_off_away_on state: - value: "auto_off_away_on" styles: card: - background-color: transparent - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" state: icon: - color: "#fed281" custom_fields: line1: > [[[ return `<span>Nøkkelknapp på innsiden deaktiveres. Må bruke manuell</span>` ]]] line2: | [[[ return `<span>låsing av døren for å låse den.</span>` ]]] line3: | [[[ return `<span></span>` ]]] - <<: *cb_vertical_spacer - <<: *cb_idlock entity: sensor.id_lock_150_lock_mode name: "Bortemodus med autolås" icon: > [[[ if (entity.state == "auto_on_away_on") return "mdi:radiobox-marked"; else return "mdi:checkbox-blank-circle-outline"; ]]] tap_action: action: call-service service: script.mqtt_idlock_lock_mode service_data: option: auto_on_away_on state: - value: "auto_on_away_on" styles: card: - background-color: transparent - box-shadow: "0px 0px 15px 5px rgba(57,128,228)" name: - color: "#fed281" icon: - color: "#fed281" custom_fields: line1: > [[[ return `<span>Nøkkelknapp på innsiden deaktiveres. Automatisk</span>` ]]] line2: | [[[ return `<span>låsing av dør når lukkes fra åpen posisjon.</span>` ]]] line3: | [[[ return `<span></span>` ]]] style: $: | .mdc-dialog { backdrop-filter: blur(17px) !important; -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(17px); background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); box-shadow: none; border-radius: 5px; } - type: entities <<: *card_mod_transparent entities: - entity: sensor.id_lock_150_battery name: Batteri - entity: sensor.idlock150_door_status name: Døren er nå icon: mdi:lock-smart - entity: sensor.idlock150_lock_status name: Låsen er nå icon: mdi:lock-question - entity: sensor.idlock_150_how name: Siste handling utført via icon: mdi:account-search-outline - entity: sensor.idlock150_service_status name: Midlertidig PIN modus icon: mdi:face-agent - type: custom:template-entity-row icon: mdi:dialpad name: Midlertidig PIN condition: "{{ states('sensor.idlock150_service_status') != 'Deaktivert' }}" entity: sensor.idlock150_service_pin id lock 150 kode for å få layout.yaml
    1 poeng
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