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Viser innholdet med mest poeng fra 04. nov. 2022 i alle områder

  1. Gleder meg til jeg har tid til å se på dette. Som vanlig: Gratis for HS4 pro. For alle andre: I disse "Black dager" har HS rabatter. Notable Features and Improvements HS4Touch includes many tweaks and improvements over HS3Touch. This list includes the most noteworthy changes. Better support for 4K screens (scaling toolbars and palettes) Camera property added for easier inclusion of cameras integrated with HS4 Right-clicking on an element opens a menu with these options: Actions When Released, Actions When Pressed, Select Normal Image, Select Pressed Image, Set Association, Bring Forward, Send Backward, Rename, Delete, Copy, Save as Custom Template. New Simple graphics skin added with updated and more customizable elements. Device selection has changed throughout the program. Devices are displayed in a better format and matches the selectors in HS4 to make it easier to find a device. Device lists can now include the device reference #. This can sometimes make is easier to find a specific device feature. The Windows client now includes a new WebView control that is based on the Edge browser. This allows for displaying any type of web content. Variables have been added and may be used in place of explicit references to cameras, devices, and labels. This allows for very dynamic screens and can reduce your screen count. New replacement variable "$LASTCHANGE" will display the last change of a device. Screens can now be into groups for better organization. Groups will display on the screens menu. The screens menu is now alpha sorted. New action to set the color of a color bulb. Screens can now be set to a height greater than the actual screen. The screen can then be scrolled. On Windows CONTROL-R can be used to run the Windows client. New property on a screen that will stop that screen from returning to the main screen. When dragging the corner of an element, hold down the shift key to keep the aspect ratio. Clicking on an element in the elements palette now displays the resolution of the element. When moving an element with the control arrows, holding the Control key moves it by 10 pixels rather than 1. For IOS, deployment options added for IPhone 14. Many bug fixes throughout the program Updated clients are required for Android and IOS, which are named HS4Touch.
    2 poeng
  2. Svært sannsynlig at den Roth saken passer. Selv om de 2 typene du nevner ser forskjellige ut så har de nok samme mekaniske tilkobling i bunn og der leveres ofte med en eller flere adapterringer (som du neppe trenger). For sikkerhets skyld kan du jo knipse et par bilder og sende til VVSKupp med et relevant spørsmål. Har de vart i 17 år må du være SVÆRT tilfreds med det, mine varer ned til et par år før de blir så slappe at de ikke klarer å åpne... Jeg styrer gulvkursene med vanlige Qubino rele, måler gulvtempen med DS18B20 sensorer/Fibaro Smart Implant og enkel logikk i NodeRed. Funker dønn stabilt men ting vil jo kunne skje over tid uavhengig av hvilken løsning en velger...
    1 poeng
  3. Hei, Sliter også med at tibber sin effektverdi slutter å oppdatere seg etter ca et halvt døgn. Fungerer igjen etter å trykke "reload" på integrasjon. Midlertidig løsning: - alias: tibber freeze trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: '/5' seconds: 00 condition: - condition: template value_template: '{{ as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.power_dinadresse.last_updated) > 1200 }}' action: - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry data: {} target: entity_id: - sensor.power_dinadresse
    1 poeng
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