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Viser innholdet med mest poeng siden 26. feb. 2016 i Filkommentarer
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Fantastisk plugin! I beskrivelsen din ser jeg du har "RealtimePower" Denne finner jeg ikke igjen hos meg - skjønner ikke helt hvor jeg skal finne den? (alt det andre ser ut til å fungere fint, den henter siste times forbruk osv.) Jeg skulle gjerne brukt den som en trigger hvor jeg kan legge inn f.eks. at hvis det er over 9kW - "skru av varmekabler kontor" f.eks. for å holde seg innen det effekt trinnet man ønsker... (vet det er snittet av timen, men innen timen er gått så er det for sent, derfor tenker jeg at hvis man har en hard-cut på rett oppunder det man ønsker så kan den justere seg ved å skru av enheter dynamisk selvom menneskene i huset skrur av og på andre enheter) Edit: Fikset - det var blitt noe bug med Pulse device'n min. Alt i skjønneste orden nå!1 poeng
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Dette er veldig bra og nyttig! Som alltid her i verden er det jo slik at mye vil ha mer. Jeg ser for meg følgende opplegg for automatisert overvåking av homeseer node change. - Hver natt mellom klokken 3 og 4 a) slett gammel loggfil b) aktiver logging c) deaktiver logging - Hver natt klokken 04:01 d) kjør analyseprogram e) hvis hyppighet på rapportering er >x, send varsel til bruker Lukter kanskje litt plugin - men sikkert mulig å få til?1 poeng
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Er nok smart å laste opp config filen med riktig navn @Moskus den heter TibberSeer nå, da slipper nok andre å få samme problemet. Takk for en utmerket Pluging Brukernavn/passord hadde vært supert og få støtte for her, da kan man også benytte Alexa Skill fra Robonect siden den krever brukernavn/passord. poeng
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Bare til litt info så sliter jeg med at maskinen "forsvinner" i perioder. Fungerer somregel når jeg trykker på connect device, men autoconnect virker ikke alltid ser det ut til. Kan vell like så godt være HW her som plugin tenker jeg, ikke helt stabil den maskinen her Oct-06 12:20:29 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:20:29 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:20:19 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:20:09 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:19:59 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:19:48 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:19:46 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:19:46 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:19:36 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:19:26 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:19:16 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:19:05 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:19:03 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:19:03 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:18:53 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:18:43 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:18:33 PM Info Amazon Echo Discovery requested, version: 2 Oct-06 12:18:33 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:18:23 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:18:20 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:18:20 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:18:10 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:18:00 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:17:49 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:17:39 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:17:37 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:17:37 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:17:27 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:17:17 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:17:06 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:16:56 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:16:54 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:16:54 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:16:48 PM Z-Wave Device: Node 11 Livingroom Office, Amperes Set to 0.176 (0.176 Amperes) Oct-06 12:16:44 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:16:34 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:16:23 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:16:13 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:16:11 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:16:11 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:16:01 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:15:51 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:15:40 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:15:30 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:15:28 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:15:28 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:15:18 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:15:08 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:14:57 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:14:48 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:14:45 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:14:45 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:14:35 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:14:25 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 1 Oct-06 12:14:14 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Haven't heard from machine with ip for 25 seconds. Disconnecting. Oct-06 12:14:04 PM CoffeeSeer ERROR Error in Send: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied Oct-06 12:14:02 PM CoffeeSeer Debug Trying to auto reconnect to machine with IP Oct-06 12:14:02 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 3 Oct-06 12:13:52 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 2 Oct-06 12:13:42 PM CoffeeSeer Debug DisconnectCount: 11 poeng
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