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  1. The plugin ran all night with no crashes. All is well. Thanks again for this nice plugin. -Rick
  2. I might have resolved this. Two of my mini-splits are standard commercial units. The third A/C is a floor style portable with a more limited set of commands. It does not have swing vanes but the plugin created a change swing device. When I added the mini-splits the plugin would not crash. When I added the portable A/C it started to crash. After I deleted the change swing device in HomeSeer for the portable A/C, the plugin no longer crashed. Thanks very much for making this avalable! -Rick
  3. Unfortunately I am having the same problem with the plugin constantly restarting. Homseer on Windows 11 and plugin 4/25/2023 2:26:59 AM HomeSeer Info Plugin SensiboClimate with ID: and Instance: has disconnected 4/25/2023 2:26:48 AM HomeSeer Plug-In Finished initializing plug-in SensiboClimate 4/25/2023 2:26:48 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In SensiboClimate loaded in 212 milliseconds 4/25/2023 2:26:48 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In Plugin SensiboClimate started successfully in 15 milliseconds 4/25/2023 2:26:48 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In Initializing plugin SensiboClimate ... 4/25/2023 2:26:48 AM HomeSeer Info Plugin SensiboClimate has connected. IP: 4/25/2023 2:26:36 AM HomeSeer Info Plugin SensiboClimate with ID: and Instance: has disconnected 4/25/2023 2:26:22 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In Plugin SensiboClimate started successfully in 17 milliseconds 4/25/2023 2:26:22 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In Initializing plugin SensiboClimate ... 4/25/2023 2:26:22 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In SensiboClimate loaded in 15092 milliseconds 4/25/2023 2:26:07 AM HomeSeer Info Plugin SensiboClimate has connected. IP: 4/25/2023 2:26:07 AM HomeSeer Warning I/O interface SensiboClimate is down, executable is not running, restarting ... 4/25/2023 2:25:50 AM HomeSeer Info Plugin SensiboClimate with ID: and Instance: has disconnected 4/25/2023 2:25:37 AM HomeSeer Plug-In Finished initializing plug-in SensiboClimate 4/25/2023 2:25:37 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In SensiboClimate loaded in 320 milliseconds 4/25/2023 2:25:37 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In Plugin SensiboClimate started successfully in 15 milliseconds 4/25/2023 2:25:37 AM HomeSeer Starting Plug-In Initializing plugin SensiboClimate ... 4/25/2023 2:25:37 AM HomeSeer Info Plugin SensiboClimate has connected. IP: And this from running the exe file in a command window: Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at HSPI_SensiboClimate.Plugin.Helpers.HomeSeerDevices.UnitDeviceUpdater.GetSwingValue(String swingModeAsString) at HSPI_SensiboClimate.Plugin.Helpers.HomeSeerDevices.UnitDeviceUpdater.UpdateChangeSwingDevice(Int32 dvRef, SensiboDeviceInfo sensiboDeviceInfo) at HSPI_SensiboClimate.Plugin.Helpers.HomeSeerDevices.UnitDeviceUpdater.UpdateDeviceWithData(SensiboDeviceInfo sensiboDeviceInfo, Int32 dvRef, Boolean allDevices) at HSPI_SensiboClimate.Plugin.Helpers.HomeSeerDevices.UnitDeviceUpdater.UpdateSensiboUnitDevices(SensiboDeviceInfo sensiboInfo, LocalDeviceClass rootDevice, Boolean allDevices) at HSPI_SensiboClimate.Plugin.Helpers.HomeSeerDevices.UnitDeviceUpdater.UpdateDevice(SensiboDeviceInfo sensiboInfo, Boolean allDevices) at HSPI_SensiboClimate.Plugin.Helpers.DeviceHandler.UpdateControlPanel(List`1 sensiboUnits) at HSPI_SensiboClimate.SensiboPlugin.UpdateDevices() at HSPI_SensiboClimate.SensiboPlugin.<UpdateAirConStates>b__29_0() at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Homeseer HS4>
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