Ja, jeg så også det, og spurte om råd på RFXCOM.com, og fikk dette svaret:
I have received a message from another user that the new 48659 is not received.
I have tested the firmware with my 48659 and it operates correct in the latest firmware:
Packettype = TEMP
subtype = TEMP9 - RUBiCSON 48695
Sequence nbr = 0
ID = 39
Temperature = 25,4 °C
Signal level = 7 -64dBm
Battery = OK
I suppose they changed the protocol a bit in the new 48659.
If you like you can send me the only the sensor module (without batteries and without display) for investigation. I will return the sensor of course.
Jeg takket pent, men benyttet meg ikke av tilbudet. Det var ikke så viktig for meg, men det hadde jo klart vært kjekt...