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Alt skrevet av Kelvin60

  1. Hello Everyone, Since I'm new to home automation, I've been investigating various platforms in an effort to put together a coherent smart home setup. I've collected a variety of Z-Wave and Zigbee gadgets thus far, such as door locks, switches, sensors, and smart lighting. I've been using various apps to manage these devices, but keeping up distinct ecosystems for each protocol is becoming to be really laborious. My goal is to consolidate all of the controls into a single system. I've read about a number of hubs and software programs, such as OpenHAB, SmartThings, and Home Assistant, but I'm not sure which would work best for efficiently managing Z-Wave and Zigbee devices. A user-friendly solution that strikes a nice balance between flexibility and simplicity of setup would be ideal for me. I have the following queries: Which hub or platform would you suggest using in a Z-Wave and Zigbee hybrid setup? Which certain bridges or integrations function especially effectively in a multi-protocol setting? What difficulties might I anticipate when combining Z-Wave and Zigbee devices? Exist any known incompatibilities? And last, how do you manage automation rules on various devices? Is there a good way to make Z-Wave and Zigbee devices work together seamlessly? Any guidance, suggestions, or firsthand accounts would be much valued! Your advice would be very helpful to me in making the best generative ai decision since I want to prevent having a lot of hassles in the future. Thank you in advance for your help and support.
  2. Hello Everyone, I'm new to home automation and want to install a smart home system with an energy-efficient main focus. My main objective is to use less electricity without compromising comfort. My goal is to automate the heating system, several appliances, and the lighting. But I have no idea where to start or which products are the easiest and most dependable to integrate. I have the following queries: Which smart home hubs that support energy-saving gadgets would you suggest for beginners? Which particular smart plugs or thermostats have you found to be most useful for controlling energy use? How do you manage seasonal adjustments to the heating and lighting systems? Which platforms or software do you use to keep an eye on energy usage, and is it useful for cutting expenses? I would be very grateful for any guidance, suggestions, or firsthand accounts you could provide. I can't wait to find out more and make my house more energy- and sustainably-efficient! Thank you in advance.
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