Temperatur for gulvføleren ligger på et annet attributt en standard og vil derfor ikke kunne leses om det brukes standard zigbww Termostat oppsett.
Disse er de de viktigste egne aributtene som Elko har lagt inn (En full liste ligger under):
0x409 (encoding:29 value: <verified floor temperature sensor measurement>
0x403 (encoding:30, value: <verified 00=luftføler, 01=gulvføler, 03=gulv vakt>
0x408 (encoding:21 value: floating values ex: 001a, 01a9, 01dd, 0000, 0087 <- Average power consumption last 10 min.
0x415 (floating encoding:10, value: <verified heating active/inactive> 00=idle 01=heating
Dette brukes i appen jeg laget for Elko i Homey :-)
* Elko ESH Plus Super TR RF
* Info - this first section lists atributes that are used by Elko Super TR which are
* part of the Zigbee cluster definition for the thermostat cluster (0201)
* Minimum setpoint: Cluster 0x201 - Attribute 0003 = 5 degrees C
* Maximum setpoint: Cluster 0x201 - Attribute 0004 = 50 degrees C
* Measured air temperature: Cluster 0x201 - Attribute 0000
* Heating Setpoint: Cluster 0x201 - Attribute 0012
* Cluster 0x201 - Attribute 0011 = encoding:29, value:0a28 - is this a default value of 26 degrees C?
* vendor specific attributes
* 0x401 (encoding:21, value:03e8 for bath/entre = 1000 decimal) value=07d0 for gang and lekerom = 2000
* 0x402 (encoding:42, value: <verified sonetext as hexstring>
* 0x403 (encoding:30, value: <verified 00=luftføler, 01=gulvføler, 03=gulv vakt>
* 0x404 (encoding:20 value:0f for all termostats)
* 0x405 (encoding:10 value:0 for all termostats)
* 0x406 (encoding:10 value:01 for all termostats)
* 0x407 (encoding:41 value:00 for all termostats) unhandled length warning)
* 0x408 (encoding:21 value: floating values ex: 001a, 01a9, 01dd, 0000, 0087 <- probably power consumption
* 0x409 (encoding:29 value: <verified floor temperature sensor measurement>
* 0x410 (unsupported attr)
* 0x411 (encoding:10, value:00 for all)
* 0x412 (encoding:10, value:00 for all)
* 0x413 (encoding:10, value: <verified child lock> 00=unlocked 01=locked
* 0x414 (encoding:20, value:1c for gang/bad/entre og 1b for lekerom) <- might be max temp for gulv vakt
* 0x415 (floating encoding:10, value: <verified heating active/inactive> 00=idle 01=heating
* 0x416 (encoding:41, value:520a000106010107 for both) unhandled length warning
* 0x417 (encoding:28, value:00 for all)
* 0x418 (encoding:20, value:0a for all)
* 0x419 (encoding:20, value:00 for all)
* 0x420 (unsupported attr)
* 0x421 (unsupported attr)
* 0x422 (unsupported attr)
Notes: noticed that what I expect to be power consumption (a:408) is reported every 10 min,
maybe this is a configuration element and maybe this is an average consumption for the last 10 min?
my configurereporting asks for reporting minimum every half minute and max every 60 min,
so the thermostat seems to report every 10 min regardless of the configurereporting.