Jeg fikk mail om dette fra Telldus i februar. Der skriver de at funksjonen med on/off for å bytte mellom ECO og Heat ikke lenger fungerer etter at de innførte support for termostater (Tellstick firmware 1.3.1). Dette stemmer med funksjonaliteten i mitt system etter at Tellstick ble oppdatert.
In our latest TellStick firmware (1.3.1) we have officially added support for thermostats (please see supported thermostat models in our compatibility list). This allows you to set specific modes and temperatures, not just using manual control, but also using schedules. All available modes for supported thermostat models can now be set, giving you a lot of flexibility that was previously not possible. This firmware update affects a previous unofficial work-around regarding Heatit thermostats that it has come to our attention that some users have used, where On and Off switched between two different modes (Heat and Eco-Heat). From this firmware version, switching a thermostat Off switches the thermostat Off, and On is no longer supported. Instead you should set the specific mode that you wish to enable, as support for setting specific modes and temperatures for Heatit termostats is now also implemented. This adds a lot of flexibility for using thermostats the way they are intended. .....