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Alt skrevet av kyunakov

  1. Hi all, my name is Kiril Yunakov and I am a Community Management Associate at uTest - the testing partner of Altibox - https://www.utest.com/about-us. I am glad to see that there were people interested in this project. Also, I am happy to inform you that now we need even more people to join this project. Here is the LINK again where you can apply. Here is what we offer: 1. Monthly Reimbursements - if you participate in at least one test per month, we will reimburse your monthly fee for Internet from Altibox for up to 1099 NOK. 2. 30 Min. First Onboarding Paid Test - here you have two options. You either do it by yourself or you can do it together with our Onboarding Specialist from uTest who will show you how to report bugs, where is more likely to find them and answer all of the questions you have. The Onboarding will be online and entirely in Norwegian or English. The payout for the Onboarding Paid Test is 300 NOK for 45min. 3. Monthly Paid Tests - After you complete your onboarding test we will start sending you tests every month. For each test, you will get 320 NOK per hour. The time you will have to allocate for this is around 1-2 hours per week, usually on the weekends. As part of the project, you will have to rent movies, watch TV etc. for FREE! Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best, Kiril
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