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  1. That’s what I did locally but I hadn’t pushed the branch upstream yet as I was still working on the best way to structure the hs4 version and figured I might trash the branch to create the final version once I had a plan and understood hs4 plugins better. He has revoked access to the repo so I’ll just push it to a new repo when I’m happy with it and can merge it back in later once he’s happy I’m not just trying to steal the source code. I’ll do my best to refactor it in a way that the common pieces between hs3 and 4 are in shared libraries but to do so means restructuring the hs3 version a bit. I probably should have gone with adding new features and fixing any bugs in the hs3 version first it would have been much easier and faster but the hs4 docs made it seem like only minor api changes, it’s the new UI framework and changes to HSPI loading that makes it time consuming to update.
  2. I have only had enough time to put about 4 hours into an HS4 rewrite, most of the new UI stuff is sorted but due to the way the plug-in was done I have had to replace most of the code other than those that talk to the sensibo API. Once I get it all working I’ll chuck it up on another repo and make you the maintainer as it’s probably best to be a seperate project due to the volume of changes needed for HS4 anyway. Don’t worry I definitely am contributing but free time is tight and HS4 requires more changes than I thought. As for new features added to the HS4 I can merge them into the HS3 one at a later date once it all works and you are happy I am contributing
  3. I am also happy to help out if you post the source code somewhere. There seems to be a few feature requests in the forums here since the initial release along with needing to be updated to the new hs4 plugin format.
  4. @Frankis78 It would be great if the Current Temperature and Current Humidity continued to update when the status is off, the API returns the current values when off so it should be possible. With these values updated in Homeseer you could create more advanced climate event triggers than Sensibo's built in climate react allows. Below is from google translate so please excuse anything lost in translation. Det ville være flott hvis den nåværende temperaturen og den nåværende fuktigheten fortsetter å oppdatere når statusen er av, API returnerer de gjeldende verdiene når den er av, så det burde være mulig. Med disse verdiene oppdatert i Homeseer kan du lage mer avanserte klimahendelsesutløsere enn Sensibos innebygde klimareaksjon tillater.
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