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Alt skrevet av atus

  1. My written Norwegian is not yet good. Feel free to reply in Norwegian. I have an SL4R which uses a CS50 board and CI50 panel. I'm wondering what are the components I need to be able to read and write to modbus. I see people talking about CI66 module and a cable harness art nr 116405 which doesn't seem compatible with my board. I found this github GitHub - Vongraven/Flexit-SL4R-master: Control Flexit SL4R with Arduino and I'm wondering if I can just hook up HF2211A or USR-TCP232-304 into the empty port and then follow everything people on this forum have contributed. In short, I need help getting up to the point where I can read write to the modbus. I'll hook it up to Home Assistant from there.
  2. Go get Tibber! https://invite.tibber.com/5e0d2edc and we both get 500 NOK for cool gadgets!
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