Gjorde noen endringer for å få det til å virke som jeg ønsket 😃
Legger koden ut her, om det andre som ser nytten i den 😃
'Enable or disable debug logging
Const DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED As Boolean = False
Sub Main(ByVal parameters As Object)
'Clio75 All Credits to
[email protected]
'Inspired and based on Moskus scrip NewsReader.vb
'Parse parameters
Dim DevID As Integer = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(0)
Dim KommuneNr As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(1)
Dim Gatekode As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(2)
Dim GateNavn As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(3)
Dim GateNr As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(4)
'Base URLs and Headers
Dim baseURL As String = "https://norkartrenovasjon.azurewebsites.net/proxyserver.ashx?server="
Dim tommekalenderURL As String = baseURL & "https://komteksky.norkart.no/MinRenovasjon.Api/api/tommekalender/?kommunenr=" & KommuneNr & "&gatenavn=" & GateNavn & "&gatekode=" & Gatekode & "&husnr=" & GateNr
Dim fraksjonerURL As String = baseURL & "https://komteksky.norkart.no/MinRenovasjon.Api/api/fraksjoner/"
Dim appKey As String = "AE13DEEC-804F-4615-A74E-B4FAC11F0A30"
Dim iconFolder As String = "html\images\renovasjon\"
'Ensure icon folder exists
If Not IO.Directory.Exists(iconFolder) Then
End If
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Starting script execution with parameters: " & parameters.ToString())
'Fetch fraksjoner data
Dim fraksjoner As Object = GetJsonResponse(fraksjonerURL, KommuneNr, appKey)
If fraksjoner Is Nothing Then
hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to fetch fraksjoner data.")
Exit Sub
End If
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Fetched fraksjoner data.")
'Fetch tommekalender data
Dim tommekalender As Object = GetJsonResponse(tommekalenderURL, KommuneNr, appKey)
If tommekalender Is Nothing Then
hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to fetch tommekalender data.")
Exit Sub
End If
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Fetched tommekalender data.")
'Look up the parent device by its reference (DevID)
Dim parentDevice As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = hs.GetDeviceByRef(DevID)
If parentDevice Is Nothing Then
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Parent device not found, exiting.")
Exit Sub
End If
'Declare childDevice outside the loop to reuse
Dim childDevice As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = Nothing
Dim iconFilePath As String = ""
'Process each item in tommekalender
For Each calendarItem As Object In tommekalender
Dim fraksjonId As Integer = calendarItem("FraksjonId")
Dim tommedatoer As Object = calendarItem("Tommedatoer")
Dim fraksjonName As String = GetFraksjonName(fraksjoner, fraksjonId)
Dim fraksjonIcon As String = GetFraksjonIcon(fraksjoner, fraksjonId)
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Processing item: FraksjonId=" & fraksjonId & ", Name=" & fraksjonName)
'Look for an existing child device under the parent device
Dim childDeviceExists As Boolean = False
Dim deviceRef As Integer = -1
For Each associatedDeviceRef As Integer In parentDevice.AssociatedDevices(hs)
Dim device As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = hs.GetDeviceByRef(associatedDeviceRef)
If device IsNot Nothing AndAlso device.Name(hs) = fraksjonName Then
childDeviceExists = True
deviceRef = device.Ref(hs)
Exit For
End If
'If the device does not exist, create a new device
If Not childDeviceExists Then
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Creating new child device for " & fraksjonName)
deviceRef = hs.NewDeviceRef(fraksjonName)
childDevice = hs.GetDeviceByRef(deviceRef)
If childDevice IsNot Nothing Then
childDevice.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Renovasjon Fraksjon"
childDevice.Interface(hs) = "Renovasjon"
childDevice.Name(hs) = fraksjonName
childDevice.Location(hs) = parentDevice.Location(hs)
childDevice.Location2(hs) = parentDevice.Location2(hs)
childDevice.Relationship(hs) = HomeSeerAPI.Enums.eRelationship.Child
parentDevice.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, deviceRef)
End If
childDevice = hs.GetDeviceByRef(deviceRef)
End If
'Update device properties
If childDevice IsNot Nothing Then
If tommedatoer.Count > 0 Then
Dim firstDate As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(tommedatoer(0))
'hs.SetDeviceString(deviceRef, "2024-12-31", True) 'hardcode date test
hs.SetDeviceString(deviceRef, firstDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), True)
hs.SetDeviceValue(deviceRef, 0)
End If
'Download and set the icon if needed
If fraksjonIcon <> "" Then
iconFilePath = iconFolder & fraksjonId & ".png"
If Not IO.File.Exists(iconFilePath) Then
Dim client As New System.Net.WebClient
client.DownloadFile(fraksjonIcon, iconFilePath)
Catch ex As Exception
hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to download icon: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
If IO.File.Exists(iconFilePath) Then
Dim pair As New HomeSeerAPI.VSVGPairs.VGPair With {
.Graphic = "images/renovasjon/" & fraksjonId & ".png",
.Set_Value = 0,
.PairType = HomeSeerAPI.VSVGPairType.SingleValue
hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(deviceRef, pair)
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Error processing item: " & ex.Message)
End Try
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Script execution completed.")
End Sub
Function GetJsonResponse(ByVal url As String, ByVal kommuneNr As String, ByVal appKey As String) As Object
Dim client As New System.Net.WebClient
client.Headers.Add("Kommunenr", kommuneNr)
client.Headers.Add("RenovasjonAppKey", appKey)
client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
'Log before attempting to fetch the data
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Fetching JSON from URL: " & url)
Dim response As String = client.DownloadString(url)
' Log the response before deserialization
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Response: " & response)
Return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response)
Catch ex As Exception
' Log the error message
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Error fetching URL: " & ex.Message)
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
Function GetFraksjonName(ByVal fraksjoner As Object, ByVal fraksjonId As Integer) As String
If fraksjoner Is Nothing Then
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "fraksjoner is Nothing")
Return "Unknown"
End If
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Searching for fraksjon with ID: " & fraksjonId)
For Each fraksjon As Object In fraksjoner
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Checking fraksjon ID: " & fraksjon("Id"))
If fraksjon("Id") = fraksjonId Then
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Found fraksjon: " & fraksjon("Navn"))
Return fraksjon("Navn").ToString()
End If
WriteDebugLog(True, "No matching fraksjon found.")
Return "Unknown"
End Function
Function GetFraksjonIcon(ByVal fraksjoner As Object, ByVal fraksjonId As Integer) As String
If fraksjoner Is Nothing Then
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "fraksjoner is Nothing")
Return ""
End If
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Searching for icon for fraksjon ID: " & fraksjonId)
For Each fraksjon As Object In fraksjoner
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Checking fraksjon ID: " & fraksjon("Id"))
If fraksjon("Id") = fraksjonId Then
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Found icon: " & fraksjon("NorkartStandardFraksjonIkon"))
Return fraksjon("NorkartStandardFraksjonIkon").ToString()
End If
WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "No matching icon found.")
Return ""
End Function
'Function to log debug messages to a file
Sub WriteDebugLog(ByVal enabled As Boolean, ByVal message As String)
If Not enabled Then Exit Sub
Dim logFilePath As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS4\Logs\renovasjon_debug.txt"
Dim logMessage As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & " - " & message & vbCrLf
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilePath, logMessage)
Catch ex As Exception
hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to write to log file: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Denne versjonen laster ned fraksjonene og bilder fra apiet og oppretter en sub device pr. fraksjon.
Det blir da seende ut slik:
Konfigureres slik som @clio75 har beskrevet 😃