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Gjorde noen endringer for å få det til å virke som jeg ønsket 😃 Legger koden ut her, om det andre som ser nytten i den 😃 'Enable or disable debug logging Const DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED As Boolean = False Sub Main(ByVal parameters As Object) 'Clio75 All Credits to [email protected] 'Inspired and based on Moskus scrip NewsReader.vb 'Parse parameters Dim DevID As Integer = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(0) Dim KommuneNr As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(1) Dim Gatekode As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(2) Dim GateNavn As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(3) Dim GateNr As String = parameters.ToString.Split("|")(4) 'Base URLs and Headers Dim baseURL As String = "https://norkartrenovasjon.azurewebsites.net/proxyserver.ashx?server=" Dim tommekalenderURL As String = baseURL & "https://komteksky.norkart.no/MinRenovasjon.Api/api/tommekalender/?kommunenr=" & KommuneNr & "&gatenavn=" & GateNavn & "&gatekode=" & Gatekode & "&husnr=" & GateNr Dim fraksjonerURL As String = baseURL & "https://komteksky.norkart.no/MinRenovasjon.Api/api/fraksjoner/" Dim appKey As String = "AE13DEEC-804F-4615-A74E-B4FAC11F0A30" Dim iconFolder As String = "html\images\renovasjon\" 'Ensure icon folder exists If Not IO.Directory.Exists(iconFolder) Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(iconFolder) End If WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Starting script execution with parameters: " & parameters.ToString()) 'Fetch fraksjoner data Dim fraksjoner As Object = GetJsonResponse(fraksjonerURL, KommuneNr, appKey) If fraksjoner Is Nothing Then hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to fetch fraksjoner data.") Exit Sub End If WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Fetched fraksjoner data.") 'Fetch tommekalender data Dim tommekalender As Object = GetJsonResponse(tommekalenderURL, KommuneNr, appKey) If tommekalender Is Nothing Then hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to fetch tommekalender data.") Exit Sub End If WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Fetched tommekalender data.") 'Look up the parent device by its reference (DevID) Dim parentDevice As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = hs.GetDeviceByRef(DevID) If parentDevice Is Nothing Then WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Parent device not found, exiting.") Exit Sub End If 'Declare childDevice outside the loop to reuse Dim childDevice As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = Nothing Dim iconFilePath As String = "" 'Process each item in tommekalender For Each calendarItem As Object In tommekalender Try Dim fraksjonId As Integer = calendarItem("FraksjonId") Dim tommedatoer As Object = calendarItem("Tommedatoer") Dim fraksjonName As String = GetFraksjonName(fraksjoner, fraksjonId) Dim fraksjonIcon As String = GetFraksjonIcon(fraksjoner, fraksjonId) WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Processing item: FraksjonId=" & fraksjonId & ", Name=" & fraksjonName) 'Look for an existing child device under the parent device Dim childDeviceExists As Boolean = False Dim deviceRef As Integer = -1 For Each associatedDeviceRef As Integer In parentDevice.AssociatedDevices(hs) Dim device As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = hs.GetDeviceByRef(associatedDeviceRef) If device IsNot Nothing AndAlso device.Name(hs) = fraksjonName Then childDeviceExists = True deviceRef = device.Ref(hs) Exit For End If Next 'If the device does not exist, create a new device If Not childDeviceExists Then WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Creating new child device for " & fraksjonName) deviceRef = hs.NewDeviceRef(fraksjonName) childDevice = hs.GetDeviceByRef(deviceRef) If childDevice IsNot Nothing Then childDevice.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Renovasjon Fraksjon" childDevice.Interface(hs) = "Renovasjon" childDevice.Name(hs) = fraksjonName childDevice.Location(hs) = parentDevice.Location(hs) childDevice.Location2(hs) = parentDevice.Location2(hs) childDevice.Relationship(hs) = HomeSeerAPI.Enums.eRelationship.Child parentDevice.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, deviceRef) hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If Else childDevice = hs.GetDeviceByRef(deviceRef) End If 'Update device properties If childDevice IsNot Nothing Then If tommedatoer.Count > 0 Then Dim firstDate As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(tommedatoer(0)) 'hs.SetDeviceString(deviceRef, "2024-12-31", True) 'hardcode date test hs.SetDeviceString(deviceRef, firstDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), True) hs.SetDeviceValue(deviceRef, 0) End If 'Download and set the icon if needed If fraksjonIcon <> "" Then iconFilePath = iconFolder & fraksjonId & ".png" If Not IO.File.Exists(iconFilePath) Then Try Dim client As New System.Net.WebClient client.DownloadFile(fraksjonIcon, iconFilePath) Catch ex As Exception hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to download icon: " & ex.Message) End Try End If If IO.File.Exists(iconFilePath) Then Dim pair As New HomeSeerAPI.VSVGPairs.VGPair With { .Graphic = "images/renovasjon/" & fraksjonId & ".png", .Set_Value = 0, .PairType = HomeSeerAPI.VSVGPairType.SingleValue } hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(deviceRef, pair) End If End If End If Catch ex As Exception WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Error processing item: " & ex.Message) End Try Next WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Script execution completed.") End Sub Function GetJsonResponse(ByVal url As String, ByVal kommuneNr As String, ByVal appKey As String) As Object Dim client As New System.Net.WebClient client.Headers.Add("Kommunenr", kommuneNr) client.Headers.Add("RenovasjonAppKey", appKey) client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 'Log before attempting to fetch the data WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Fetching JSON from URL: " & url) Try Dim response As String = client.DownloadString(url) ' Log the response before deserialization WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Response: " & response) Return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response) Catch ex As Exception ' Log the error message WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Error fetching URL: " & ex.Message) Return Nothing End Try End Function Function GetFraksjonName(ByVal fraksjoner As Object, ByVal fraksjonId As Integer) As String If fraksjoner Is Nothing Then WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "fraksjoner is Nothing") Return "Unknown" End If WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Searching for fraksjon with ID: " & fraksjonId) For Each fraksjon As Object In fraksjoner WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Checking fraksjon ID: " & fraksjon("Id")) If fraksjon("Id") = fraksjonId Then WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Found fraksjon: " & fraksjon("Navn")) Return fraksjon("Navn").ToString() End If Next WriteDebugLog(True, "No matching fraksjon found.") Return "Unknown" End Function Function GetFraksjonIcon(ByVal fraksjoner As Object, ByVal fraksjonId As Integer) As String If fraksjoner Is Nothing Then WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "fraksjoner is Nothing") Return "" End If WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Searching for icon for fraksjon ID: " & fraksjonId) For Each fraksjon As Object In fraksjoner WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Checking fraksjon ID: " & fraksjon("Id")) If fraksjon("Id") = fraksjonId Then WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "Found icon: " & fraksjon("NorkartStandardFraksjonIkon")) Return fraksjon("NorkartStandardFraksjonIkon").ToString() End If Next WriteDebugLog(DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED, "No matching icon found.") Return "" End Function 'Function to log debug messages to a file Sub WriteDebugLog(ByVal enabled As Boolean, ByVal message As String) If Not enabled Then Exit Sub Dim logFilePath As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\HomeSeer HS4\Logs\renovasjon_debug.txt" Try Dim logMessage As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & " - " & message & vbCrLf System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilePath, logMessage) Catch ex As Exception hs.WriteLog("Soppel Error", "Failed to write to log file: " & ex.Message) End Try End Sub Denne versjonen laster ned fraksjonene og bilder fra apiet og oppretter en sub device pr. fraksjon. Det blir da seende ut slik: Konfigureres slik som @clio75 har beskrevet 😃
  2. For å få denne til å virke måtte jeg endre url til: Dim url As String = "https://norkartrenovasjon.azurewebsites.net/proxyserver.ashx?server=https://komteksky.norkart.no/MinRenovasjon.Api/api/tommekalender/?" & kommuneURL & "&" & GateNavnURL & "&" & GateKodeURL & "&" & GateNrURL
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