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Alt skrevet av SGroot

  1. Hi all, I would like to inform you all that for me the OTA firmware upgrade with the setpoint_workaround.zip file was the solution. [Therm3_slave_enhanced_232_OTA_ZW050x_EU_SETPOINT_MOD_UNOFFICIAL.otz] After reading this whole thread and serveral threads on github, I decided to give it a go. I have a Z-TRM3 thermostat with firmware 4.0 installed and due to the 2-byte requirement in the Setpoint function I was not able to set the setpoint below 26.5 degrees. This unofficial firmware made it possible. It was not even necessary to exclude and include the thermostat into my network. All I did was: - Shutdown the RPi and put the Aeon Z-Wave stick into the laptop - Start Z-Wave PC controller v5.30 and find the right COM port to connect to the Z-Wave stick - Run the firmware upgrade - Put the Z-Wave stick back into the RPi and restart Domoticz again. Thanks for all your investigations and for providing a working solution! Best regards, Steven Groot
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