SveinHa du kjører HS4, der er det en mulighet i Setup > Labs Disable Windows Updates.
Har ikke testet den.
Jeg har bruker denne oppskriften:
If you are running Windows 10 Home, Run regedit and navigate to the following key:
Create a new key under Windows key and set its name as WindowsUpdate. Next, create another key under it and name it AU.
Now under this path, in the right pane, create a new DWORD AUOptions:
Set its value to 2. The following options are available
2 – To notify for download and notify for install
3 – To auto download and notify for install
4 – To auto download and schedule the install
5 – To allow local admin to choose setting
Exit REGEDIT and restart the computer.
Now check for a few time when Updates a released and see if it works for you.
If you do not like the changes, you can always reverse the or go back to the create system restore point.