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Støtt hjemmeautomasjon! 🥇🥈🥉


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Alt skrevet av Bram

  1. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    Hi @Beitnes You can add much more triggers when you link you IFTTT account to Homey. You can make events on IFTTT and then search for them in a flow:) Connecting your Homey to IFTTT is really simple!
  2. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    @Beitnes Did you already install the IFTTT app on your Homey? https://apps.athom.com/app/com.ifttt
  3. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    Hi @iblis If I can help you with anything please let me know! We are really looking forward to expending much more in Norway and other countries and we would like to hear feedback from our users so we can optimize Homey a lot more to the customer needs! Thansk for including Homey in the systems category on the forum, means a lot:)
  4. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    Well I can tell you this, the new app design looks promising! Also the whole UI will be changed which will make the use of the app a lot easier. So hopefully when the new app arrives he will give Homey another chance:)
  5. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    Hi @geirra Right now it is possible to arrange your device in different "zones" like, livingroom, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc. You can also add your own zones that are not included in the standard list of zones in Homey. It is true that a device can only be used in one zone. However, we are currently working on a new mobile app that will make this a lot more user friendly! I cannot tell you the details yet, but once the development of the new mobile app is a bit further I could post it here. Most users wont really use the zones because they have automated all the devices in such a way that they don't need to open the zones, Nonetheless I can understand that for some users it is a bit annoying that you need to first open the top entity before you can open up the second "nested" entity. Was the organisation of items the only reason why he gave up on Homey?
  6. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    That's the downside of an open platform, some developers stop maintaining the app so when we update Homey the app stops working. We are planning to do some "cleaning" in the Appstore quite soon, so the apps that are no longer maintained will be removed or moved to another developer:)
  7. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    We also have a knowledgebase for developers so they can start developing super fast for Homey (https://developer.athom.com/)!
  8. Bram

    Homey en nykommer?

    Hi, my name is Bram and I work at Athom, the company who's developing Homey! @danielb told my about this forum and I thought it would be interesting to see if you have any questions I can help you with! I'm not sure if it is allowed to talk English on this forum, but my Norwegian is not that good (read: not existing haha!) I will check in once in a while to see if any of you have new questions for me:)
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