Rart. Mitt fungerer fortsatt helt fint. Se om du har samme som meg eller om jeg har endret noe:
import datetime
@time_trigger("cron(* * * * *)")
def update_saving_hours():
#Get todays prices from nordpool hacs addon. Todays prices should always be available
today_prices = state.getattr(sensor.nordpool_kwh_oslo_nok_3_00_025).get("today")
hour_price_pairs = zip(range(24), today_prices)
hour_price_pairs = sorted(hour_price_pairs, key=lambda v: v[1])
#Create a lookup table from hour to index. Index of 0 is the least expensive hour, 23 the most.
most_expensive_today = {}
for i,(hour, price) in enumerate(hour_price_pairs):
most_expensive_today[hour] = i
#Try to fetch tomorrows prices. This might fail before 14:00
tomorrow_prices = state.getattr(sensor.nordpool_kwh_oslo_nok_3_00_025).get("tomorrow")
#If prices for tomorrow is available
if len(tomorrow_prices) > 0 and tomorrow_prices[0] is not None:
hour_price_pairs = zip(range(24), tomorrow_prices)
hour_price_pairs = sorted(hour_price_pairs, key=lambda v: v[1])
most_expensive_tomorrow = {}
for i,(hour, price) in enumerate(hour_price_pairs):
most_expensive_tomorrow[hour] = i
now = datetime.datetime.now()
current_hour = now.hour
log.info("Ran power saving script at %s" % now)
#Generate 23 sensors for least and most expensive hours of the day
for i in range(1,24):
#Generate schedule attribute for today
least_n_expensive = [{"price": today_prices[v], "hour": v, "state": most_expensive_today[v] < i} for v in range(0,24)]
#If tomorows prices are available, generate schedule for tomorrow.
if len(tomorrow_prices) > 0 and tomorrow_prices[0] is not None:
least_n_expensive_tomorrow = [{"price": tomorrow_prices[v], "hour": v, "state": most_expensive_tomorrow[v] < i} for v in range(0,24)]
least_n_expensive_tomorrow = []
#Set the new state of the sensor
state.set("sensor.powersaving_%s_least_expensive" %i, most_expensive_today[current_hour] < i, new_attributes={"today_prices": today_prices, "today": least_n_expensive, "tomorrow_prices": tomorrow_prices, "tomorrow": least_n_expensive_tomorrow})#, new_attributes={"hours": })
#Generate schedule for most expensive hours today
n_most_expensive = [{v: most_expensive_today[v] > 23-i} for v in range(0,24)]
#If tomorrows prices are available, generate schedule for tomorrow
if len(tomorrow_prices) > 0 and tomorrow_prices[0] is not None:
n_most_expensive_tomorrow = [{v: most_expensive_tomorrow[v] > 23-i} for v in range(0,24)]
n_most_expensive_tomorrow = []
#Set the new state of the sensor
state.set("sensor.powersaving_%s_most_expensive" %i, most_expensive_today[current_hour] > 23-i, new_attributes={"today_prices": today_prices, "today": n_most_expensive, "tomorrow_prices": tomorrow_prices, "tomorrow": n_most_expensive_tomorrow})#, new_attributes={"hours:": map(lambda v: most_expensive[current_hour] >= i, range(0,24))})