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  1. Moskus



    56 nedlastninger

    RobonectSeer er en plugin for deg med Gardena (eller annen støttet gressklipper) og som har montert et wifi-kort. Pakk ut i HS3-mappen, og start. Plugg inn (den faste) IPen til gressklipperen, og tut og kjør. For dette wifi-kortet: https://robomaeher.de/blog/wlan-modul-automowergardena/
  2. Hei. Jeg har laget et script for å starte og parkere Gardena Smart Sileno gressklippere. Testet og fungerer på min Gardena Smart Sileno R100Li. Legg inn e-postadressen, passordet, og navnet på klipperen på linje 12->14 i skriptet. Sett logJson = True for å se alt i json-responsen fra Gardena. Det ligger mye nyttig informasjon i responsen fra get_device_id. Kall scriptet med parameter start eller stop. Disse parametrene blir så brukt lenger nede i scriptet til: 'Available start commands: 'Start according to schedule: "{""name"":""start_resume_schedule"", ""parameters"":{}}" 'Start overriding schedule. Run for 1440 minutes: "{""name"":""start_override_timer"", ""parameters"":{""duration"": 1440}}" 'Available stop commands: 'Park and pause all schedules: "{""name"":""park_until_further_notice""}" 'Park and start again at next schedule: "{""name"":""park_until_next_timer""}" Imports System.IO Imports System.Net '*** Choose if json-responces should get written to the log *** Const logJson As Boolean = False '************************************************************** Public Sub Main(ByVal command As String) '*** Put in e-mailadress and password and lawnmover-name *** '*** They must be exactly as entered into the Gardena app *** Dim email As String = "[email protected]" Dim password As String = "Mypassword" Dim mower_name As String = "Name_of_lawnmower_in_gardena_app" '************************************************* '*** NO NEED TO EDIT BEHIND THIS POINT! *** '************************************************* 'Get token and username Dim jsonGetToken As String = "{""sessions"":{""email"":""" & email & """,""password"":""" & password & """}}" Dim tokenAndUser() As String = getToken(jsonGetToken) 'Get location Dim location As String = getLocation(tokenAndUser) 'Get device-id for lawnmover set in mower_name Dim locationAndToken(3) as String locationAndToken(0) = tokenAndUser(0) locationAndToken(1) = location locationAndToken(2) = mower_name Dim deviceId As String = getdeviceId(locationAndToken) 'Send start or stop command to mower Dim data(4) as String data(0) = tokenAndUser(0) data(1) = location data(2) = deviceId data(3) = command sendCommand(data) End Sub Public Function getToken(json As string) As String() 'Get token and user ID based on e-mail and password Dim strURL As String = "https://sg-api.dss.husqvarnagroup.net/sg-1/sessions" Dim myWebReq As HttpWebRequest Dim myWebResp As HttpWebResponse Dim encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding Dim sr As StreamReader Dim result(2) As String Try Dim data As Byte() = encoding.GetBytes(json) myWebReq = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(strURL), HttpWebRequest) myWebReq.ContentType = "application/json" myWebReq.ContentLength = data.Length myWebReq.Method = "POST" Dim myStream As Stream = myWebReq.GetRequestStream() If data.Length > 0 Then myStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length) myStream.Close() End If myWebResp = DirectCast(myWebReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse) sr = New StreamReader(myWebResp.GetResponseStream()) Dim responseText As String = sr.ReadToEnd() if logJson Then hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Response getToken: " & responseText) End If 'Search json for token Dim sSource As String = responseText 'String that is being searched Dim sDelimStart As String = """token"":""" 'First delimiting word Dim sDelimEnd As String = """,""user_id" 'Second delimiting word Dim nIndexStart As Integer = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimStart) 'Find the first occurrence of f1 Dim nIndexEnd As Integer = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimEnd) 'Find the first occurrence of f2 If nIndexStart > -1 AndAlso nIndexEnd > -1 Then '-1 means the word was not found. Dim token As String = Strings.Mid(sSource, nIndexStart + sDelimStart.Length + 1, nIndexEnd - nIndexStart - sDelimStart.Length) 'Crop the text between hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Token: " & token) 'We got the token, continue to get the user id sDelimStart = "user_id"":""" 'First delimiting word sDelimEnd = """,""refresh_token" 'Second delimiting word nIndexStart = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimStart) 'Find the first occurrence of f1 nIndexEnd = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimEnd) 'Find the first occurrence of f2 If nIndexStart > -1 AndAlso nIndexEnd > -1 Then '-1 means the word was not found. Dim user As String = Strings.Mid(sSource, nIndexStart + sDelimStart.Length + 1, nIndexEnd - nIndexStart - sDelimStart.Length) 'Crop the text between hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "User: " & user) result(0) = token result(1) = user return result Else hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Error: Did not receive user ID") End If Else hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Error: Did not receive token") End If Catch ex As Exception : hs.writelog("Gardena", "Error: " & ex.Message.ToString) End Try End Function Public Function getLocation(tokenAndUser() As String) As String 'Get location based on token and user id Dim token As String = tokenAndUser(0) Dim user As String = tokenAndUser(1) Dim strURL As String = "https://sg-api.dss.husqvarnagroup.net/sg-1/locations/?user_id=" & user Dim myWebReq As HttpWebRequest Dim myWebResp As HttpWebResponse Dim sr As StreamReader Try myWebReq = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(strURL), HttpWebRequest) myWebReq.ContentType = "application/json" myWebReq.Method = "GET" myWebReq.Headers.Add("X-session", token) myWebResp = DirectCast(myWebReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse) sr = New StreamReader(myWebResp.GetResponseStream()) Dim responseText As String = sr.ReadToEnd() if logJson Then hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Response getLocation: " & responseText) End if 'Search json for location Dim sSource As String = responseText 'String that is being searched Dim sDelimStart As String = """id"":""" 'First delimiting word Dim sDelimEnd As String = """,""name" 'Second delimiting word Dim nIndexStart As Integer = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimStart) 'Find the first occurrence of f1 Dim nIndexEnd As Integer = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimEnd) 'Find the first occurrence of f2 If nIndexStart > -1 AndAlso nIndexEnd > -1 Then '-1 means the word was not found. Dim location As String = Strings.Mid(sSource, nIndexStart + sDelimStart.Length + 1, nIndexEnd - nIndexStart - sDelimStart.Length) 'Crop the text between hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Location: " & location) return location Else hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Error: Did not receive location") End If Catch ex As Exception : hs.writelog("Gardena", "Error: " & ex.Message.ToString) End Try End Function Public Function getdeviceId(tokenAndLocation() As String) As String 'Get device id for lawnmover based on location and mower_name Dim token As String = tokenAndLocation(0) Dim location As String = tokenAndLocation(1) Dim mower_name As String = tokenAndLocation(2) Dim strURL As String = "https://sg-api.dss.husqvarnagroup.net/sg-1/devices?locationId=" & location Dim myWebReq As HttpWebRequest Dim myWebResp As HttpWebResponse Dim sr As StreamReader Try myWebReq = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(strURL), HttpWebRequest) myWebReq.ContentType = "application/json" myWebReq.Method = "GET" myWebReq.Headers.Add("X-session", token) myWebResp = DirectCast(myWebReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse) sr = New StreamReader(myWebResp.GetResponseStream()) Dim responseText As String = sr.ReadToEnd() if logJson Then hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Response getLocation: " & responseText) End If 'Finn Device ID Dim sSource As String = responseText 'String that is being searched Dim sDelimEnd As String = """,""name"":""" & mower_name & """,""category"":""mower""" 'Second delimiting word Dim nIndexStart As Integer = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimEnd) - 36 Dim nIndexEnd As Integer = sSource.IndexOf(sDelimEnd) 'Find the first occurrence of f2 If nIndexStart > -1 AndAlso nIndexEnd > -1 Then '-1 means the word was not found. Dim deviceId As String = Strings.Mid(sSource, nIndexStart + 1, nIndexEnd - nIndexStart) 'Crop the text between hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Device ID: " & deviceId) return deviceId Else hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Error: Did not receive device ID") End If Catch ex As Exception : hs.writelog("Gardena", "Error: " & ex.Message.ToString) End Try End Function Public Function sendCommand(data() As String) 'Send start or stop to the mower. Dim token As String = data(0) Dim location As String = data(1) Dim device As String = data(2) Dim command As String = data(3) Dim json As String '*** Here you can change what start and stop does.*** 'Available start commands: 'Start according to schedule: "{""name"":""start_resume_schedule"", ""parameters"":{}}" 'Start overriding schedule. Run for 1440 minutes: "{""name"":""start_override_timer"", ""parameters"":{""duration"": 1440}}" 'Available stop commands: 'Park and pause all schedules: "{""name"":""park_until_further_notice""}" 'Park and start again at next schedule: "{""name"":""park_until_next_timer""}" if command = "start" Then json = "{""name"":""start_resume_schedule"", ""parameters"":{}}" else if command = "stop" Then json = "{""name"":""park_until_further_notice""}" else hs.writelog("Gardena", "Error: Angi start eller stop som parameter") End If Dim strURL As String = "https://sg-api.dss.husqvarnagroup.net/sg-1/devices/" & device & "/abilities/mower/command?locationId=" & location Dim myWebReq As HttpWebRequest Dim myWebResp As HttpWebResponse Dim encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding Dim sr As StreamReader Try Dim data As Byte() = encoding.GetBytes(json) myWebReq = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(strURL), HttpWebRequest) myWebReq.ContentType = "application/json" myWebReq.ContentLength = data.Length myWebReq.Headers.Add("X-session", token) myWebReq.Method = "POST" Dim myStream As Stream = myWebReq.GetRequestStream() If data.Length > 0 Then myStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length) myStream.Close() End If myWebResp = DirectCast(myWebReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse) sr = New StreamReader(myWebResp.GetResponseStream()) Dim responseText As String = sr.ReadToEnd() hs.WriteLog("Gardena", "Sent command: " & command) Catch ex As Exception : hs.writelog("Gardena", "Error: " & ex.Message.ToString) End Try End Function
  3. Vurderer å selge min Gardena R38Li med Robonect modul, klipper har gått 63t i skrivende stund og er noen uker gammel. Jeg har en vanskelig bakke i hagen som gjør at denne ikke fungerer optimalt hos meg og jeg har bestilt en ny Husquarna 315X(som krever en annen versjon Robonect)). Ønsker kr 7500,- inkl Robonect modul. Link til modul: https://karlhaeussler.de/cgi-bin/his-webshop.pl?f=NR&c=wlan10&t=t_temart Klipper: https://coop.no/sortiment/obs-bygg/hageuterom/hagemaskiner/gressklippere/gardena-04071-54?variantCode=209087 Befinner seg i Ås, 30min utenfor Oslo
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